Gilded Silk (For men)

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She gasped in surprise, the last of her golden robes falling away to reveal her voluptuous body now finally bare to see. Her stomach was rounded and heavy with a consistent diet, the skin untouched by blemishes apart from golden flecks that grew to a hard outer shell on her back. Her horns, though broken and busted, still shone under the warm lava light of her den, her breasts hung with their weight, jiggling and bouncing with every minor movement, her eyes were a dark shade of Grey with a hot yellow band. Her clawed fingertips and toes curled, her skin being a dusty brown that looked as soft as the gold did hard. Kulve Taroth was yours as she wanted you just as badly.

You two had been playing chase, she loved a little rough play before intimacy and you were ready to feel that gorgeus skin against you. The lava that shone from the lower caverns cast enticing shadows across her, giving her a goddess like glow in the largest cavern of her home.

Gripping her ass, you pulled her into you, your face pressed into her soft breasts, she was so soft and warm, she felt like a furnace was in her chest. She glittered and grinned as you held her, inhaling her scent as if you were desperate for oxygen, the vanilla smell was thickest at the sweaty spots, you loved it, rubbing your face in her chest in an effort to surround yourself with it. She used her claws to tear at your clothing as you had done to her, the cool cavern air hitting the skin on your back.

She parted her legs and reached down to rip away the last of the fabric hiding you, though it jerked your hips, her monstrous strength succeeded, sending buttons falling to the floor as your member was released. Her big thighs closed in on you, enveloping the entirety of you in her muscled legs. She exhaled, the smell of sulphur on her breath as she held you, gripping your hair in her claws before moving.

She rolled her thighs over you, though the gold flecks were cold, they were smooth ,thank the Sapphire Star. The little cold sent shivers up you, mixing with the friction and the pleasure sent your mind numb, focused only on fulfilling your desire for your mate, be dammed the Guilds rules, you needed her and she needed you. You kept her safely out the way and she kept you happy.

Though there was a language barrier, she was very good at telling you what she wanted. Her tongue poked out, ypu opened your mouth for her and she dived forward, wrapping her maw around your mouth and sending her tougnue into you as her grip with her thighs got harder, squeezing your dick in the pillows of her thighs, the lubricant from her glorious insides spilt onto her skin, the shimmering golden sheen glowing a little, as if trying to call away your head from her chest to her beautiful ,beautiful mound.

The sensation of her tougnue in your mouth, her breasts and hard nipples, her soft belly and fucking wonderful thighs were making you reach your zenith quick, your twitching sending gushes and drops of fresh lubrication onto you. A warm hot growl rumbling in her chest as she pulled you away by your hair and licked your throat, her cheeks warm and red from the activity. A whimper escapes you as your balls tightened and the pleasure sent sparks of thick pressure through your base.

With a gasp and moans, your white seed spilled from you like a shotgun blast, coating the underside of her thick tail, the back of her legs and inside of her thighs, she growled , happy at the noised you made. Your body felt tired, but she wanted more and you were still horny.

Licking her lips, Kulve Taroth looked you in the eye before pushing you back, your dick starting to soften as your ass took the brunt of the hard harsh stone floor. From this angle, she really did look intimidating, like a goddess. Her eyes burned in lust as she pushed your back down aswell, the stone floor uncomfortably cold against your hot skin. Her sculpted leg rises in the air, showing her feet and soles beneath, her vulva shone bright for you, the shining, glimmering arousal coating her thighs and outer lips, the golden scales above and around it framing her in such a way that seemed wye catching.

Her foot came down on your semi hard member, the initial chill of cold quickly fading to slight warmth, her feet were oddly clean for a cave dweller, but you didn't worry about that, her soles felt like silk, soft and smooth. Her weight pushed down a bit, kinda crushing your manhood and sending a burst of pain and discomfort up you. You whined, vocalising your pain. She liked that, grinning, she started moving her foot back and forth, using her tail to steady herself as she used her impressive muscles. Her soft gentle skin turned firm and hard from the pressure, starting to send blood back down to your member, the pleasure forcing its way past the hard discomfort and mixing with the pain. This woman enchanted you, your Golden Goddess. She sped up and lightened the pressure, quickly bringing your pleasure back up, the soft smooth soles were like rolling sanded marble, her breasts and belly shaking and jiggling with the efforts a satisfied and cocky smile on her lips as she stared at you and the adorable look on your face as you statred back at her, she likes that look on your face. Throwing your head back, your hips thrust up against her toes, the little nubs teasing your head just right. Ignoring the uncomfortable stones beneath, you started thrusting against her, chasing after that last push you needed to climax.

She lifted her foot off you, leaving you meekly thrusting into the air, confused and desperate, you look up at her to see if she's fed up.

Far from it, she sits down opposite you,leaning back and reaching forward with her feet. Eagerly, you shuffle forward, paying little mind to the rocks in your butt.

Her feet wrapped around you and started pumping,using the sides of her feet to finish you off, the smooth rolling skin pulling pleasure up and blooming in your base again. Parting her knees, she uses the bottom of her feet to jerk you off that last little bit. The pressure bursting in you and sending more of your love honey out in spurts, though less that the first time, it made you shudder and shake, moans of pleasure from you reaching her ears and making her core drip some more arousal out.

A few seconds pass quietly, your heavy breathing and hot cheeks leaving you feeling spent. Annoyingly, you still weren't done, you loved Kulve, ypu really did, but you wanted to put her in her place, how dare she knock you over and grin at you like that! Getting your breathing under control, you look to see her grinning at you like that still, cocky and confident. Oh nah, fuck nah, in fact, fuck her.

Standing shakily on your feet, she looks up surprised and confused, letting a cold shiver wrack your body, you notice she watches your dick shake and smirks.

Grabbing her horn, you make her look up at you, she growls, pulling away. You don't lessen your grip, pushing her back, she hots the cavern floor, the gold plates on her hack protecting her from being hurt, leaning down, you position yourself over her, her belly rubbing against yours in a pleasant way. Your dick head rubs against her hot nethers, her grin turned hopeful, her breadts fall on either side of you, her areola bulbous with the hardness of her nipples, shiny golden sweat coating her, the thick scent of rich vanilla filling your nose and hazing your mind in thick fog of lust. Looking her in the eye, you grin and thrust in, half way, her insides hot and slick with arousal, your dick tingles at the base as pleasure sparks fresh. Her low growls of pleasure start building as you fuck her. Your not gentle, your hard and deep, your hips connecting to make a wet hot slapping noise of skin against skin. Her tognue lols out, her body jiggling with every thrust from you, opening your mouth, you latch onto one of her nipples and use your tognue, the pulsing from her insides getting tighter, her body trying to keep you inside each time ypu pull out, her tail wraps around your leg loosely as your head kisses her cervix gently, only just able to feel it. Biting her nipple, you let go and grab the other, falling on top of her as you fuck her silly, her big bountiful body holding you up with ease, her belly squishing against you and holding you in warmth as your last climax approaches.

She opens her mouth and breaths unevenly as she relaxes fully, your legs holding tight as you thrust and thrust and thrust. Biting her nipple again, you put all your strength into the next couple of thrusts, sending her to the zenith violently as she constricts around you, her slit closing and insides milk you, pulling another release as her muscles tighten and flex. Its like gilded velvet, hard yet soft, wet and slippery, your last ounces of semen leave you and enter her, you feel sore by the time your both done, though you didn't really catch before, opposite Kulve is a burned and melting circle of rock, you got her to breathe fire she came do hard. Happy and utterly exhausted, you both fall asleep connected in the caverns.

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