Pizza and blankets

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Grace felt like shit, not just shit, but the sorta shit you have when you've had fibre for the first time in a week. She felt like that sorta shit. Thankfully, her shitty feeling was being eased by her companion. Her boyfriend of now two years, the vampire, Robbie.

Robbie was a skinny man, little visible muscle and little meat on every part of him. Grace on the other hand was a large lady, a plus sized beauty with curves on her belly, arms and thighs. Robbie allways wanted a big goth girlfriend, he got two of his desires, all three on special nights when Grace felt "fierce" in her words.

Today though, she was in the middle of her least favourite week. Aunt Flo was visiting, and Grace just wanted her gone. So here she was, curled up on the sofa, watching love Island while ,Robbie ordered food for his grumpy and hurting partner.

When he was done, he put his phone away and walked back to the living room, his piercing yellow eyes drawing ,Grace's brown ones from the television. Her voice had a pouty tone that drew a smile from the lanky vampire.


"Yes my love, and garlic bread, chicken strips twice, a milkshake and barbecue sauce."

He rattled off the list seamlessly, anticipating her questions with ease. Seeing her excitement in her eyes made his smile broaden, a hint of smug pride creeping into his voice as he sat beside her.

"I know how ravenous you can be my sweet, so i figured, play safe, better too much than too little, at worst i stick the rest in the fridge for later."

Her cheeks bloomed pink, bashful at how easy she was to read. He did have mind reading abillities but out of politeness and general decency, he didn't...most of the time.

"Thank yooou"

"Your welcome,my sweet . You know you dont have to thank me."

Sitting beside her, his eyes drifted across her entirety. She was in her favourite onesie of a pink Axolotl , hood up, blanket up to her shoulders and tired in the face. She hadn't washed her hair or showered this week, honestly, he didnt mind. His sense of smell wasn't as strong as others, he didn't mind the greasy hair. He wanted her to be comfortable during her cycles, despite it, he found her cute and alluring as allways.

"I know i dont need to thank you. But I do anyway, so ha"

Rolling his eyes, he glanced at the tele, seeming unimpressed by this seasons participants.

"Well, if you wanna thank me, gi's a hug, sweetness"

Smiling , she opened the blanket, then hesitated.

"Could i lay on you?"

His smile spread to a cheesy grin, getting her to stand a moment, he used minor levitation to raise the blanket from her grip to over the two of them. Laying on his back on the sofa, he guided her to him, his voice smooth as butter.

"Course you can ,Sweetnes"

Once she got comfortable, he lowered the blanket back down, encompassing her and tucking it beneath him to add extra pressure. He loved the how she felt pressed against him, her bountiful self was amazing to cuddle with.

Releasing a happy, relieved sigh, she melted into the cuddle. His body was warm and the heat helped ease her cramps, feeling tension melt from her shoulders and belly only for an ache to grip into her lower back. The sigh, turned to a groan.

"Comfortable, my sweet?"

She nodded, speaking past his chest.

"Mmhmm...but my back aches..."

Adjusting his arms, Robbie brought his hand to the middle of her back and started rubbing gently, while he did that, he sneakily switched the channel, he loves Grace, but love island was basicly torture for him. Thankfully, the next show was a film of some sort, so hopefully she wouldn't notice.

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