Walk him like a dog

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Sitting down in your room, you pick up the pencil and begin writing in your diary.

Dear Diary,
The moon cycle is fast approaching and I'm feeling the affects already. I'm staring at Thomas more often, his scent seems more noticeable and fuck I want him so badly. Just today I've been keeping physical contact as much as i can, it feels like my uterus does little shudders whenever he kisses me. I'm not ready to make a pack yet, but I'd be lying if I said my natural urges were easy to fight off. Hopefully the moon isn't full tomorrow, I've been training for a body builder show in the monster-lady division. It's been tough, sticking to this strict diet, honestly I'm looking forward to the feast Thomas has promised me. He plans on cooking up a load of chicken, BBQ steaks, lamb, sheep hearts, Liver. Oh its going to be amazing, he even got a death by chocolate cake recipe , he's been teasing me with it for the last few days.

Looking up from your diary, the sound of your husband's heavy footsteps approach. He's trying to be sneaky, cute. Grinning, you return to your diary, pretending you don't hear him.

Vanessa has found a new girlfriend, Rin, I think her name was. Vanessa kept going on about how they met during an Archery lesson and hit it off. Rin's a Harpy and uses her own fallen out feathers to make her own arrows, which she carves herself.

An ear twitches as Thomas opens the door an inch.

A little girl asked me why I'm allways in my full werewolf form today, I told her it's because it helps me stay warm. I honestly just prefer being like this, I think I'm my best as I am. Being in my human skin too long feels restricting.

As you dot the end of the sentence, your husband jumps on your back, laughing.


"Do ya?"

You ask, grinning as you spin in place, grabbing him off your neck by your clawed hand and hold him by his jumper in mid-air. He turns lazily in your grip and grins sheepishly, his cheeks taking on a pink tint.

"Uh, hi honey"

He gulps, his breath smelling of coffee and caramel. Gently you set him down, putting a paw on your head. Standing at 6ft4 he wasn't short, but your full form was no slouch at 6ft11, in your human skin you barely pushed 6ft2, another good reason to stay like this you note.

"What were you doing?"

You ask, raising your eyebrow with a playful tone. His sheepish grin turns more sure, holding your paw between his hands.

"I wanted to surprise you. Come look, ugh...no peeking"

Smiling at his eagerness, you close your eyes and let him lead you. He loved doing little surprises for you. Sometimes, it was food, sometimes it was a game. Once it was a beautiful new dress, Light grey with red and black patterns.

His pulling on your paw paused , lifting up toward the stairs.


"I know, we"re going up the stairs hun, dont worry about me"

You put a comforting tone on your voice, despite the difference in strength, he still worried about you.

Carefully making your way up the stairs, his pulling became stronger again. Trusting him, you remained blind for a minute before he stopped, seemingly at the destination.

"I dont want to use it today, as faur warning. Open your eyes."

Opening your eyes, you look around a moment in confusion, then notice a little silver box on the edge of your bed. Picking it up carefully, you turn and sit on the edge, Thomas joining your side.

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