A date with Fred

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Looking down at my phone, the most recent message leaves me less than pleased, honestly, pretty angrey actually.

"Sorry, i dont think things are gonna work out. Your not my type and you can barely afford a table at St Dawns, im not coming. Cya"

This mother fucker, has been talking to me for three months, as soon as we're about to meet, he pulls this? Bullet dodged.

Trying to not let it ruin my evening, I flick away from the message and check on my bank.

Thirty Pounds left, shit, I've got to make that last. I'll need to get something cheap so at least I'm not wasting the table.

Just as I put the phone away, a body enters my view. Looking up, i lock gaze with the stranger, warm brown eyes.

"I dont mean to be rude, but are you ok miss? You were looking pretty upset"

His voice had an Irish twinge, five foot somthing, medium build with pale skin and curly ginger hair that he tied back with a matching full beard. I give him a neutral expression inching itself into a frown.

"Got stood up by a date. Im fine thank you."

Wincing in sympathy, he looks at the empty chair.

"Damm, this place is expensive, not to mention your dressed up. Dumbass to not even give you a chance."

It's then i notice he's in a suit. Black trousers, pale orange shirt with a white and black striped tie. As I'm about to ask, he does it for me, noticing my curiosity.

"I got stood up too, lady said i was just a placeholder"


I couldn't help but respond. Mine was a jerk but that's just cruel, looking at him, I notice his soft features, rounded cheeks, pink lips, chunky around the belly and shoulders, he seemed sweet enough...ah, what's the worst that could happen. He's not given me any bad vibes, the opposite in fact.

"Well, i dont want this table to go to waste. Care to join me-e?"

Extending the word in question, he smiles, colour coming to his cheeks as he straightens.

"Fred, miss"

Giving him a soft smile, I gesture at the empty chair.

"Mell, please sit."

Briefly disappearing, I breathe in relief at having some company. Sitting upright, I adjust my dress and take a look at the menu, moving my attention back to Fred as he sits, a big puffy winter coat on the back of his chair.

"So...how are you doing?"

I ask with a shy smile. Returning it, he adjusts in the seat and leans forward.

"Better now i have company. Hows your evening been?"

"Not bad, not bad. Relieved the night wont be wasted."

Giving him a cheesy grin, I lean back and look at the menu. An overly flowery border of white surround words that were just barely readable. Using common sense, I put my finger on the Salmon option, looking up when a waiter comes over.

"Can i get you two anything?"

Straightening myself, I point to the dish.

"Pan seared salmon please, hot chocolate and can you replace the peas with baked beans, please?"

"Yes we can, how about you sir?"

Glancing over the menu, he makes his choice.

"Beef Wellington please and water"

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