Gaming, Cuddles and Burgers

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The sun climbed high, casting rich oranges and faded pink across the sky, moving to take its place where the moon stood prior. The sunrise sparked wakefulness across the town, couples rising to greet the warmth given by the early sun. Birds singing their morning hymns, dogs wagging their tails eager for breakfast and businesses opening their doors to start the day.

In a apartment on the second floor, was a couple. Their home was a dream for gamers, art of their favourite games decorated the rooms, posters of maps and figurines of beloved characters along the shelves, defending the home quietly from mundane life. The home wasn't big, but it was enough for them. The living room was converted early on into their joint gaming room, since they both loved that particular hobby. Their gaming styles were different, one loved first-person shooters, their game of choice being Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, a DnD inspired borderlands game. They loved DnD, allways going for heavy hitters and tanky builds, a pvp player that defended their partner whenever they played together. The other was a more laid back gamer, preferring games like minecraft, Stardew valley and Ark. They were no pvp player, they were the home maker, the one that kept the other fed and prepared for journeys.

The wife was a human, thick and curvy, a big woman with a belly, arms and thighs that jiggled. Her cheeks were rosey, her eyes a warm brown with matching hair she often had in a ponytail, highlights of red throughout. Hannah was the breadwinner of the house, working from 8 to 5 . As a manager, she worked hard in her feild and was proud of it. Her husband was proud of her too.

He was a big Orc, he had the typical orcish physique. A big belly, muscles and fat making him look bulky, since he didn't move much though, he was a chubbier specimen. His ears stuck out at an angle, a thick beard covering his mouth, his tusks sticking out. Bald but covered in bodyhair that he took care of, tattoos of game logos ran up his left arm, a big tattoo decorated his back, two koi fish swimming against eachother with a splash of blue and white bubbles. Mateo had his wife's favourite jewel tattooed on his chest over his heart, a shard of obsidian, settled underneath his parents, a sunflower for his father and a gold coin for his mother.

Their bedroom was small, barely enough room for a double bed at one end, the dresser and nightstand stuck up the other end. The walls were green on one side, the other a wine red, white ceiling and black carpet.

Mateo held Hannah to himself, together snuggled up under the covers. Her gentle snoring coupled only with the audio from a phone, the device plugged in and repeating a series they love to fall asleep to, together.

Hannah shifted a little, bringing her arm up from around Mateo's belly to his chest. The morning light coaxed her gently into the world of the living. Her fingers deftly danced around his skin, drumming them against him. His bodyheat was like a magnet to her, a slight unwelcome chill attempting to creep across her face. His arms wrapped around her a bit tighter, Mateo had woken up earlier and was just enjoying her company, his big lips lifting around his tusks into a sleepy smile.

"Good morning my shard, sleep well?" He asked, his voice soft and gravelly. Feeling safe in his arms, she nuzzled her face into his hairy chest, inhaling his scent deeply. "Mmhmm..." he had to focus to hear her, the little mumble lost amoung the rustling of the sheets as they shuffled. His smile stayed, one of his thick fingers finding some of her hair, gently twirling it between his index and thumb. Her arms squeezed him, bringing up her legs to go 'Koala mode' and cuddle him as tightly as she could.

"Im here darling, im here." He whispered gently to her, forgetting the hair strand to hold her head to his chest, her warm rosy cheeks making his chest warm up, or was that his heart? He couldn't tell and didn't care, he had his girl in his arms.

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