Caramel latte

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The flavour of hot caramel coffee filled his mouth, the cream atop the divine liquid the perfect coolant for the freshly brewed beverage.

"So, is this what a coffee is?"

Asked his ghost ,outside the shop. He had been possessed a month ago by Zack Sharp, a young man who had been taken out of life by a reckless truck driver. Larry had slowly been dealing with it at first, paranoid he was the only guy in history to be possessed by a past person, but after some research in anxiety fueled panic, he figured out that possession could not only happen at random, but it was also surprisingly common amoung humans by humans. Orc, werewolf and other such races simply moved on or went to wherever they went, but depending on the life, moral, method of death or simply the want to not go yet was enough for many humans to stay amd attach themselves to others.

And so here he was, sat outside talking to his new potentially life long friend.

"Yep, i still find it odd that despite being a modern person, youve never had coffee, controlling parents?"

Larry leaned back in his seat, enjoying the coffee and admiring the park splayed out ahead. A lake sat in view, willows sparsely grew around the edges, reeds thickly growing and benches positioned around the body of water. Flowers grew in flower beds placed throughout the park, splashing colour onto otherwise a green canvas, a couple ducks chilling on the surface of the water.

"No, just never really thought to try it, i was told it could be disgusting"

Larry tilted his head, looking at the cup in thought.

"I suppose it can be a bit gross at first but you get used to it. Its really good in cake actually if you want to try that today."

Larry was a big fella, short ginger hair with brown eyes, Freckles and a big belly. His hair got him bullied in school quite a bit. But that was an issue he outgrew years ago. It left him with anxiety but he hadn't been bullied since getting out.

"I love cake, please? Ill leave you alone tonight if we can try some, could you get one with walnuts or cashews?"

Zack was the opposite of Larry, five inches shorter in height but lean and well built, blue eyes with dark brown hair that bordered black. His childhood was a much nicer time than Larry's, of which he complained alot initially possessing him. Apparently ghosts aren't aware they're dead or even existing until they possess someone. Why this is no one knows, a study was done but it came to nothing.

"Youve got a bit of an obsession with nuts huh? sure, i can have a look for some after I'm done here. Hey, question."


"Did you ever have a girlfriend? Dating just wasnt working for me"

Larry adjusted his posture, sitting upright when a Werewolf walked by with a guy. The park was kinda busy today, couples were walking around, walking their animals or having family time, a few loners were around but they were mostly teenagers and young adults. Despite only being thirty four, Larry felt ancient.

"Nah mate, i had three boyfriends though, i thought i was bisexual initially but nah, gay here."

"Oh cool"

He couldn't help but be envious, died at twenty six and had not only a boyfriend, but three? He took his drink of coffee with a bit of a sour taste in his mouth. He wanted to date guys but evreyone seemed to make it sound gross whenever he wanted a boyfriend, so alone he stayed.

"Mind if i ask you a question?"

Zack materialised in front of Larry, arms crossed.

"Go for it"

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