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The sky was clear today, a bright blue expanse with a shining bright sun as the crown jewel of the sky.

Rin flew gracefully in the bright blue expanse, though most monsters stuck to their human skin, her full form was what she was most comfortable with. Her feathers mimicked the look of a Falcon, her face a bright yellow with large dark eyes, her small chest hidden in small soft feathers, her thighs bulging outward and turning steadily into a triangle , her thin ankles striking out with bright yellow feet that ended in onyx talons. Though without clothing, her chest ,thighs and crotch were covered in tiny feathers that defended against the chill of the air. Her back, mostly skin , struck out with long feathers that spread at her bottom into a fan of feathers. Her ears peaked like a elf, feathers along the outside giving her face a more angular appearance. Her hooked nose mimicking a birds beaks with rounded cheeks that made her look soft. Rin was a natural born aerial artist.

Vanessa was a larger woman, curved generously wherever you looked. Her feathers mimicked a Bearded Vulture, white in the face with black lines drawing the gaze from her eyes to her neck, a pointed nose and smooth sharp cheeks that gave her rounded silver eyes a predators gaze. Her wings mostly shades of brown and grey, contrasted with body feathers of pinks and soft reds, her chest not much bigger than Rins, protected by small feathers that trailed down her body to fluff up at her crotch and around her ankles, sandy skin highlighted by a similar onyx to ,Rins. Her backs feathers weren't as long but were more flared, separated at the ends until they too spread into a tail. Her neck gloriously long and proud, a crest marking the peak of her skull.

Together, they flew across the sky, casting shadows beneath them on any regular creature that remained land bound. Rin flew up, turning as she went to loop next to her girlfriend, a more steady, cautious flyer.

"Pinkie sweetie, how ya doing?"

Vanessa's wing beats slowed and steadied to a glide, Rin matching with ease.

"Im fine, just not used to being this high up."

"Do you want to head back down then?"

Nodding, Vanessa looks down and begins to angle herself toward a park with a lake in the centre. Quickly followed by Rin, who tucked her wings and shot past her, plummeting toward the lake at ridiculous speeds.

At a safe distance, Rin spread her wings out and glided back up , breaking the momentum with a flap before perching on a rooftop, patiently watching Vanessa glide her way to Rins side.

"Rin ,your such a show off"

Rin grinned, draping a wing over her girlfriends shoulders and pulling her to her side.

"Yes, but only because I've got such a beautiful mate to show off"

Vanessa couldn't help but grin back, Rins energy was infectious and it gave her confidence like no other.

"That was a smooth one"

"I know"

A few seconds passed, the two women standing on the roof and enjoying the warm sun as it slowly made its way up. Vanessa shuffled closer to Rins side, pressing herself comfortably against her, watching a Kelpie swim in the lake with mild interest.

"I love you, Vanessa."

Turning to her, Vanessa smiled, pressing her forehead to Rins affectionately, an aaw coming from below that she ignored.

"I love you too, Rin. With evrey feather."

Rin enclosed both wings around Vanessa, holding her in a pocket of warmth that increased as Vanessa reciprocated the hug. Vanessa's feathers felt softer at ,Rins back. The hug remained for several minutes, passing by at a snails pace for the two Harpies. Eventually, though, they parted, keeping a wing at each others back.

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