Full Moon

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The snow fell gently outside, streets covered in fresh powder while the moon slowly travelled through the sky. Silvery white obstructing the view of evreyone who ventured outside tonight, a lonely Giantess in full fur standing alone on the path, looking up at the moons pale gaze.

The trees leafless and frosted over, a couple icicles hung from the branches like icey Ornaments.

The wintery backdrop made the inside feel cozy and warm.

The street curved at a corner, tucking a house into a neat row. The house was made of white wood, decorated in bright red and green lights, a snowman sat at the side with a turnip nose and floppy old summer hat. In the windows were more lights, icy blue, light purple and festive red leaked past lace curtains.

Inside, the home was well loved. Pictures of family hung on the walls, a couple paintings and prints in the main rooms. Warm yellow and orange walls contrasted with white carpets and Acaica wood floors. White and black tables decorated with tubs of chocolate, cold nibbly bits and Christmas leftovers. The kitchen, which had been busy the day before, sat by itself in calm. Diorite counters stacked high with dishes.

The bedroom was the coziest place, a lamp giving off warm white light against pale blue walls and red carpet. Said walls made festive with reflective paper done up in ropes along the ceiling. The bed done up in grinch sheets and plain white pillows. The dresser sat beside it, a collection of miscellaneous items strewn about it.

A man sat on the bed alone, a tall 6ft6 fellow, short brown hair with a moustache and rounded, refined features. His smile was stuck on him, his cheeks a rosy pink with just as happy brown eyes that verged on Amber. He was a personal trainer, his body muscled underneath his massive blanket hoodie, the fluffy soft shapes of it hiding his intimidating muscle mass.

Coming up the stairs was his beloved, dressed in something she was saving for after the family had left. Her light skin had been framed in a red , sexy Christmas outfit. Her dark hair tied up into a ponytail, bright red lipstick and eyeliner to complete her look, hidden behind her back in her hand was an IUD.

His face creased in a grin when he saw her, which only turned to excitement and lust as her body came into view. Her breasts barely held in by the red cloth, her thunder thighs squishing out at the tightness the festive thigh highs were hugging them. Her blue eyes shone in the low light of the doorway, seeking his quietly as if to glimpse his thoughts. When he spoke, his voice had an American accent, breathy and rumbling from his chest.

"Fuck, Kira. You look amazing, whats the occasion?"

Sitting up, he watches her attentively as she walks over to him. His eyes sticking to her face and the eager look she gives him. Sitting beside him, she offers her free hand.

He takes it, giving her a playfully suspicious look. A swell of joy rests in her throat as she turns his hand over and places the IUD in his hand.

Shocked silence hangs in the air for a few moments. An instant eternity in time. His words, break it.

"Is this? Does this mean, your ready?"

He looks up at her, hope sparking in his eyes. She grins at him, raising her hand to sign to him.

"Yes, love. I want to be a mother, im ready."

Gripping the IUD toght in his fist, he leans forward and wraps her in a hug. Returning it with equal joy, she pushes him back only to kiss him deeply, the taste of coffee dancing on her lips and mingling with his.

Together they continued the kiss, falling onto the bed together.

Breaking the kiss gently, he held the back of her head, a sparkling joy in his eye. His eyes moving from hers to her hand as she speaks.

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