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This is for my regular readers, thank you for reading my stories, I sincerely hope evreyone who reads them have been enjoying the bite sized tales.

The core reason for this announcement is to let evreyone know that I'm writing a full story. It will be for those that enjoy the bite sized stories but would like a longer tale.

The story in development is called Curves and Coils, in it will be multiple POVs with a polyamerous trio. The characters in said story are a human man, Lamia (snake woman) and a three headed Hydra woman. Its going to be my main focus so if the quality of stories here decline, I apologise, bear with me and hopefully the story will be worth the wait. I have no set date for the release of the story, but my main readers here will be told if you dont follow me.

If theres any creatures you would like to see in this series, leave a comment and ill see what I can do.

Goodluck evreyone,
Sincerely, AlbinoKelpie

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