Waking up my Baku

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Suddenly a bang comes from downstairs, quickly followed by a familiar voice.

"Shit! Nothings broken!"

A pause.

"...i think? Yeah nothings broken!"

Rolling my eyes, I turn the sound down on my phone and shout back down.

"How was work?"

Footsteps resound as he makes his way up the stairs. Without too much thought, I point to the door, swinging it open for him as his head comes up within view. Looking more tired than usual.

"Busy, very busy..."

Putting my phone down, I slide down and offer my arms to him. His tired face perks up a little with a smile, gratefully plopping down into my arms.

"...they had me at a childrens hospital."

Frowning in sympathy, I levitate a blanket over, gently letting it rest on his back as he buries his face in my belly, his arms wrapped tight around me as if to anchor himself.

"How many?"

I ask gently, rubbing my finger tips into his scalp.

"Around ninety, the recent strike had a lot of them tense."

Holding him loosely, his body begins to relax, the tension leaving his shoulders at I speak softly to him.

"Im proud of you, Botan. Just relax ok? Sit with me then ill sort us some food."

Snuggling closer, he looks up at me, his short black hair scruffy and his tired eyes showing a gleam of joy for the first time this morning.

"Thank you, i dont know what id do without you, Jackie."

The beat of his heart gradually starts to slow down. His body loosing all strength as his fatigue catches up with him. A few rays of early morning light, leak in from outside, around the curtains. Rubbing his scalp firmly, a groan signals his pleasure at the touch.

Leaning down awkwardly, I kiss the top of his head, his soft dark hair tickling my nose and making me sniffle as I come back to my original position. Silence descended the bedroom, only our breathing audible in the space. Reaching past his head, I gently start scratching his back, running my nails gently over his shirt in an attempt at comfort, the groan and tightening of the hug was a positive response. Making my heart and body melt.

Thoughts drifted about like driftwood amoung a light current. Eventually, my thoughts brought a memory back. Our third date, in the sea life centre, he had told me what species he was, a Baku. His nervousness at telling me was so cute back then.

"Umm...best way i can te-plain,EXPLAIN! is, im a dream eater but i dont eat dreams i eat nightmares, im a Baku"

First time seeing him shifted was a treat, a bears body, big fluffy tiger Paws, an elephants trunk on a wolf head. His transformation is unique, but by no means bad. My thoughts stop drifting at his movements, looking up at me gratefully as he held onto me.

"Thank you, sunshine. I needed this today. Ill move so you can sort our food."

I grab him before he can detach himself from me , pulling him close.

"I actually got you a treat, close your eyes"

Excited, he does as he's told, shutting his eyes tight. A wicked grin creeps across my lips, leaning to my bedside table and plucking out a package from my bedside table. Taking a hand gently, I place it in his hands.

"You can open your eyes"

His eye opens a little, seeing the Amber packaging, sitting up properly, he looks around it and says loudly in delight.

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