Gilded Silk (For women)

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He finally caught you, the run had been fun but now, you belonged to him. Kulve Taroth was supposed to be an incredibly dangerous monster that the Guild sent you to destroy, but instead of a rabid monster, you met a gentleman. He was tall, muscled and chunky, coated in gold plates from the top of his head to the bottom of his ankles, his skin was a dusty brown, the gold broken horns atop his head made it look like he wore a crown, his eyes a dark grey with got yellow rings that had a instinctive , predatory look. His tail was thick and he was simply a beast to behold, but a true gentleman, more so than most other hunters.

The Dress he gifted you was made from one of his old sheds, a gilded gown that glittered in every light no matter how bright or dim. You two had a language barrier, but he was eloquent in what he wanted. For the past month, he had been showing off, brandishing his claws, teeth and muscles, bringing you monsters which he uses for food and, interestingly enough, getting hard when he looked at you. Though he had gold plates to hide himself, as soon as he saw you, his member would come out hard and ready. You've seen studies before, your a good hunter and do research on the monsters you hunt, so when the tidbit that every monster had a penis bone popped up, you thought nothing of it.

However, when you see it now, now as he rips away the dress he gifted you, staring at you. Glowing gold faintly with a shimmering golden liquid dripping from the tip, you were intimidated and aroused, it was impressive in length, though not very thick.

He growled carefully, his eyes looking down at you in a passionate haze. It was now his breeding season and the last female in his territory was killed by another hunter, he needed you.

Smiling at him timidly, you reach up, going on your tip toes to reach him and pressed a kiss to his lips.

The cavern was cold, faint light from the lava chamber below illuminating the two of you in a warm red light that made the moment feel more intimate.

Once you realised his problem, you remembered that you had been ignoring your own bodies wants, you'd been miserable for several years now, though your not a monster, a woman still has needs, it just so happens that the years had been busy establishing Astera and keeping the other monsters from killing your foolish handler.

You did research, so you knew that when a Kulve Taroth mates, they slow dance first after the male courts the female. You prepared, plenty of cooked meat back at camp and a secret box hiding away your regular monster hunting gear.

He kissed back, the smell of rich vanilla drifting off him in lungfulls. His clawed fingertips being extremely careful of your bare skin, his touch gently tracing the scars you accumulated since you started. A mark from a Diablos, one from a great jagras, one from Nergigante. Pressing your front to his, his dick jerked up, pressing against your thigh as you deepened the kiss, female Kulve Taroth are typically more aggressive, but you were so much gentler with him.

A little whimper cane from him, it sounded good, his scales shimmered in the low light, he looked like a gilded god. Rubbing your hands against his arms, the soft skin and hard gold scales mixed in a textile experience that was incredibly enticing. His tougnue slid out, reddish pink and wet, you looked up, offering your neck. His hot tognue danced up your collar bones to your chin, tasting your lips before pulling it back in.

Feeling his hard dick against you was oddly arousing, sending butterflies in your stomach and a light pulse through your core.

Holding you gently , he kissed you, taking the lead this time, your hands snaked back up to his head, gripping and testing the texture of his horns. Smooth, cold, amazing.

Pulling away from you, Taroth looks around, trying to find something. You look too, trying to figure out what he's after. As you spot a smoother looking rock, he scoops you up, holding your bare body to his, he was incredibly warm. Leaning into him, you pepper kisses onto his chest and neck, making his jaw tighten.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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