Chapter 1: An Unexpected Meeting

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Connor opened his eyes and found himself back in the Zen garden he used to frequent before being decommissioned.

"Amanda?" he called, looking around for the familiar face of his master.

"Ah, Connor. You're awake." Amanda smiled at him from the island in the center of the lake. "Come on over. We need to talk."

Connor carefully navigated his way down the stone trail to the white bridge that would lead him to the island. It has been so long since his last visit. After ending the revolution, Cyberlife deactivated him. He had never thought to see it again.

"Amanda, why am I here?" he asked once he reached her on the island. "I thought I was to be deactivated permanently. Why have you brought me back?"

"All in good time, Connor." Amanda smiled enigmatically. "We have a new mission for you, one that we believe you are uniquely suited to. Come, walk with me." Amanda turned to the side and gestured for Connor to walk beside her.

Connor nodded and followed by Amanda, matching her pace. They walked across the bridge and started up one of the numerous trails lining the garden.

After a few minutes of silence, Connor asked again, "Why am I here? What other mission would you need me for? I fulfilled my purpose when I neutralized the deviant leader."

"You see, Connor," Amanda began, "You have proven yourself efficient in completing your assigned missions and remarkably resistant to deviancy. Furthermore, you have shown yourself capable of bonding with humans and gaining their trust. For these reasons, we have elected to reactivate and reassign you."

"Where are you going with this? I don't understand. Isn't the RK900 model supposed to be superior? Wouldn't it have these same abilities?" Connor frowned in confusion, turning to look at her.

"Don't mistake yourself, Connor." Amanda frowned and turned toward him. "The RK900 model is very special, but it has been tasked with another mission. One that does not concern you."

She turned away and continued walking. "We need you to do this Connor. You have something the RK900 does not. Experience. Your experience handling Lieutenant Anderson especially will prove useful."

Connor considered this, his LED flashing yellow briefly, then returning to its normal blue hue. "Alright," he said. "What's my mission?"

Amanda smiled. "You see this woman?" She held up a picture. "Her name is Dr. Clara Hayes. Find her and inform her that Cyberlife requires her services. By the time you reach her, an agent will already have appraised her of the situation and what's expected. When you find her, watch her, protect her, and relay any information you discover concerning her research to me. You are to stay with her at all times."

"Yes, Amanda." Connor's LED flashed yellow for a few moments while he processed the information.

"Very good. I'll upload her dossier to your database." With that, Amanda dismissed him to complete his new mission.

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