Chapter 34: Red Roses

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The next morning, Clara woke up early, feeling a strange heaviness in her chest, one she recognized as a deep, familiar sense of melancholy. She looked at the clock on her nightstand, and seeing the date, the heaviness grew sharper. She rolled over willing herself to fall back asleep, but neither her mind nor her body would not comply. Though exhausted, she was wide awake. Reluctantly, she climbed out of bed and slowly washed her face, applying light makeup to cover the dark circles, and then got dressed for the day.

She slipped into a deep red turtleneck, obscuring the fading bruises on her neck, then pulled a black blazer over top, along with a black pencil skirt and tights. She eyed the shoes, settling on a pair of black pumps. 

The house was still when she went downstairs. Eli was still asleep, and Connor was likely on standby in the living room. He didn't usually wake up until 7:00am. Clara walked to the entryway, spotting a bouquet of deep red roses and sprigs of baby's breath on one of the side tables. Eli's doing no doubt. He must have put it there after she'd gone to bed, knowing she wouldn't have had time to pick one up herself. 

She grabbed the bouquet, tucking it into the crook of her arm, and stepped outside into the cool morning air, closing the door softly behind her. 


When Connor opened his eyes, coming out of standby at his usual time. He stood, making his way upstairs to check on Dr. Hayes. When he opened her door, he was met with a quiet stillness. Her bed was empty, blankets twisted in a jumbled mess.

"You won't find her in there." 

Connor spun around, hearing a voice behind him. Eli had just come out of his room, rubbing a towel through his wet hair.

"She's gone to visit her parents," the man continued, voice neutral. 

Connor felt a flicker of confusion. "They're dead."

Eli nodded. "Ten years ago today."

"Oh." So it was the anniversary of the fire.

Connor closed his eyes, establishing the link with Dr. Hayes' tracker. She was close, still on the property, at the far side of the lot. He opened his eyes, moving back down the hallway, and pushed past Eli.

The man reached out, putting a hand on Connor's shoulder, halting him. 

"She needs space." He looked at him, eyes serious. "Go after her if you must, but give her space. Don't push her today."

Connor absorbed the advice thoughtfully, then nodded. "Alright." 

Eli let go, and Connor made his way downstairs and outside. He stood outside, connecting with the tracker again, then allowed his program to calculate the route to her. As it finished, he walked around the side of the side of the house to the back. Several yards of grass stretched out behind the house, bordered by a tall green hedge, over which he could see the tops of an endless amount of trees. There was a break in the wall at one corner. Connor headed toward it. 

Through the break, he could see a small trail winding through the trees. He could see a set of footprints in the soft dirt of the trail. Analyzing them, he saw they were from a size 7 set of heels. Dr. Hayes. 

He followed the trail, noting several side trails that broke off, leading to various other unknown locations, but his route told him to follow this one. Eventually, he spotted a break in the trees. He came to a high wrought iron fence covered in desiccated vines that obscured what lay beyond. A few feet off to the side lay a set of double gates set into an arch. One side had been pulled open, and a few drops of red spotted the ground just inside, scattered like blood between the footprints. 

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