Chapter 23: Lessons in Compassion

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The sun continued its descent toward the horizon, setting the buildings ablaze with reflected light on the windows. Clara gazed out over the expanse, trying to keep her tattered thoughts in order. Connor stood by her still and silent, LED flickering red and yellow as he processed the information she'd give him. 

Finally, he spoke, voice quiet. "Is this why Cyberlife took you in?"

"Part of it, I'm sure." She kept her answer brief, keeping some secrets closer.

He gave her a perplexed look. "Why haven't you tried to run?"

Clara sighed, looking away. "It wouldn't do me any good. They're not above hurting the people I love to get to me, and I doubt there's anywhere I could go where they wouldn't follow." She chucked darkly. "I mean, just look at the events of the last 24 hours. It took what, maybe 4 hours for you and Richard to find me when the deviants got me? I doubt Cyberlife would just let me slip away."

"There's more to it than that." He left the question implied. 

Yes, there was. But she wouldn't tell him. She turned away, instead watching the last sliver of sun sink below the skyline. She shivered now, as the cold finally settled into her bones. She felt something drop onto her shoulders, warm and heavy. Connor's jacket. She accepted it gratefully, pulling it tighter around her shoulders. 

"Why do you care so much?" the android asked again, for the third time since she'd known him. "What have the deviants ever done to earn this from you?"

She looked up at him, inflecting her voice with all the sincerity she could muster. "Compassion doesn't need to be earned, Connor. It should be freely given. Love with strings attached is hardly love at all." She watched his LED flicker yellow and red. "I choose to care. And I know that if our positions were swapped, I'd hope someone would show me the same courtesy."

"I don't understand." The words came out a soft whisper, nearly dragged away by the wind. 

She looked at him, pity flooding her heart. "And you never will," she said. "Not until you allow yourself to feel."

Connor looked down at her, brown eyes soft and confused.

"I know it's not logical," she said, turning away. She couldn't hold the weight of his gaze. "I know there are androids that would try to hurt me just the same as any person, not matter the compassion I show them. But if I'm not willing to make the first move, how can I expect anyone else to?"

Clara took a deep breath, sharpening her resolve. "I choose not to run. I know I can do much more by staying." Squaring her shoulders, she whispered to herself, "I will not go gentle." She watched the android's LED flicker briefly, realizing he'd heard her.


Connor watched as Dr. Hayes straightened her spine, looking determined. He was reminded for a moment of someone else. Markus. The android had begun so peacefully. He was optimistic, compassionate. But in the end, he broke too, giving up on his hope of peace. Beaten, bloody, battered, but still defiant. Would Dr. Hayes break to? Would she dispel her compassion in favor of fighting?

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