Chapter 3: The Lab

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The car remained silent for much of the drive to Cyberlife Tower. Dr. Hayes' car was a newer model equipped with a self-driving feature. She took advantage of that, putting in the coordinates to the Tower and then letting the car do the work of driving. She sat in the front passenger seat with it spun around facing the back, across from where Connor sat. 

As she seemed content to ignore him, Connor took a moment to analyze her again. He noticed she kept her fingernails short, and the skin around a few of them was torn, suggesting that she had a habit of chewing her cuticles. There was a small splotch of melted slush on her tights near the ankle, likely from when she'd slipped. He noticed a small, faded blue stain near the hem of her skirt. Closer inspection revealed that it was residue from where she'd been splashed with blue blood at some point. Connor filed these observations away for later consideration. 

He watched the doctor as she took notes on her tablet. She would occasionally chew the end of her stylus in concentration. The car was silent aside from the tapping and scratching of stylus on screen as the doctor wrote. She kept the tablet angled toward her, so Connor couldn't see what she was writing. Periodically, she brushed her loose hair behind her ear and out of her face, but it kept stubbornly falling back down. Her legs were crossed, with one foot bouncing idly. She was still wearing her impractical heels. 

Just then, the doctor's eyes flicked up, meeting the androids. She sighed heavily, turned her tablet over on her lap so that the screen was down, and tilted her head up to look at him. "You're burning a hole through me, Connor. If you have something to say, just say it."

Connor considered for a moment. This was an opportunity to learn more about her and build trust. "I think we should get to know each other better if we are going to be working closely. That will help make the process easier." He paused, waiting for a reply.

"Okay?" Dr. Hayes shrugged but said nothing more.

 Slowly, Connor tried again. "Can I ask you a personal question, Dr. Hayes?"

"I supposed." Her voice sounded annoyed, but she maintained a blank expression.

"Why do you live in such a large house? You seem to live there alone, so it doesn't seem logical to maintain that large a property." The android looked at her with polite interest. 

Dr. Hayes was quiet for a moment. Connor could see her carefully considering her answer. Finally, she said, "I inherited the estate from my late aunt. I don't maintain it all myself though. I have hired help come on weekends to take care of the property, and I take care of the house myself."

Connor recalled the picture he'd seen last night. Abigail Hayes. She must be the previous owner of the house. He listened as the doctor continued. "But I'm not alone all the time. My cousin Eli comes to visit periodically. In fact, I'm expecting him this evening." She smiled a little at the thought. 

Connor's LED flashed briefly as he integrated the information into his database. He was quiet for a moment, the said, "Can I ask you another question?"

Dr. Hayes nodded slowly. "You may, provided I can ask you one in return."

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