Chapter 6: A Family Affair

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Snow fell gently from the sky, flakes piling up along the long winding driveway to Clara's home. As the car approached the garage, Clara noticed another car sitting in her driveway, off to the side of the garage. She smiled. Eli was home.

"Dr. Hayes, do you know whose car that is?" Connor asked, breaking the silence that had permeated the car since leaving the hospital. 

"Yes," Clara said calmly. "It should be my cousin's. It looks like he got here before us." She looked over at the android. "He's mostly harmless. Don't worry."

"You should let me go in first, just in case." Connor glared at the foreign car with distrust.

"It's my house, Connor." Clara's voice held a hint of irritation. "I'll do what I please."

The car pulled into the garage, and when it came to a halt, Clara climbed out quickly, ignoring Connor's protests. She ran carefully up the steps, noticing that they'd been salted since that morning. Not bothering to check that Connor had followed, she pulled the door open and walked in. 

"Eli?" she called in a slightly singsong way, cupping her hands around her mouth. "I'm home!"

"Clara!" came an excited voice from upstairs. "I'm just getting settled. Be down in a minute!"

She heard loud footsteps, then saw her cousin making his way down the stairs. He was a tall man with shaggy blonde hair and broad shoulders. His eyes were a light, twinkling green. "Hey, little goose!" He hurried down and enveloped Clara in a big hug, lifting her off her feet. 

"I missed you!" she said, hugging him back. Her arms barely reached around him. 

"I missed you too!" Eli set her back down, placing his hands on her shoulders and holding her at a distance. "You look tired," he said, concerned. 

"It's been a long few days." Clara's smile fell a little. "I'll explain later."

They heard the front door open again as Connor finally made his way inside. Eli's eyes darkened, and he moved to stand in front of Clara, tucking her behind him protectively. "Who are you?"

"My name is Connor," the android answered, shutting the door. "I'm the android sent by Cyberlife. I've been assigned to work with Dr. Hayes." He stared confidently back at Eli, taking a slow step forward. 

"Cyberlife?" Eli looked back at Clara in disbelief. "What have you gotten yourself mixed up in?" 

Clara stepped out from behind her cousin, placing a gentle hand on his arm and looking up at him. "It's a long story. One I'd rather be sitting for. Come on. My feet are killing me." She turned away and walked toward the living room. Eli followed closely behind her, shooting a glare at the android. Connor hesitated a moment then likewise followed. 

The trio made their way into the living room, and Clara sat in an overstuffed red chair, taking her shoes off and tucking her feet up underneath her. She held a pillow in her lap, hugging it close to her chest like a lifeline. Eli took the adjacent couch, sitting on the side closest to his cousin. Connor simply moved to stand by the hearth, leaning against the side of it to face them. 

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