Chapter 24: Reflection

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Light streamed through the window of Clara's hospital room, gently waking her. She was distantly aware of her cheek pressing against something firm and warm. Gradually, she emerged from her sleep, sitting up. Her body was sore and stiff. Looking around, she was startled to see Connor's slightly blurry form still sitting next to her. Evidently her glasses had been removed at some point, and she noticed the book had been closed and set off to the side

"Good morning, Dr. Hayes" the android said, eyes still closed. "Did you sleep well?" He opened them, smiling slightly. 

Clara cleared her throat, a little flustered. "Well enough." She stretched carefully, wincing at the sharp pain in her ribs. 

"Are you alright?" A flash of concern crossed Connor's face. 

"Fine," she said. "Just sore." She adjusted her position, moving slightly away from him. 

He held out his hand, offering her glasses.

"Thanks," she said, putting them on. She looked around. It was still fairly dim outside. "What time is it?"

"It's about eight in the morning." He moved away, sliding off the bed. "The nurse came in about 20 minutes ago. She says you're good to check out when you're ready. I've already contacted your cousin. He'll be here shortly."

Clara felt a flicker of surprise. "You took care of all that already?"

"Was that wrong?" He looked sheepish. "You seemed eager to leave, so I thought you'd approve."

"No," she said quickly. "I appreciate it actually. I'd like to get out of here as soon as possible."

Just then, her phone buzzed. She looked to see a text from Eli. He about 20 minutes out. Clara slid carefully off the bed, stepping gingerly with her injured foot, then grabbed her bag pulling out a set of clothes, originally intended for an android. She moved to the bathroom to wash her face and change out of the hospital gown. She emerged in a plain tee shirt and baggy sweatpants. 

"Lets go then." She started shuffling slowly around the room, carefully putting her things back in the bag. She moved to sling it over her shoulder, then hissed, holding her ribs. Connor stepped toward her, taking the bag. 

"You shouldn't carry this," he said, slinging it over his own shoulder. 

"I suppose you're right." She gave him a smile, then moved toward the door. Heading down the hallways, she paused at door 203. "Did you visit him last night?" She turned, looking back at Connor. 

He shook his head.

"Let's drop in then, since we're here." She opened the door carefully. She stepped in, then halted, seeing another figure in the chair beside the bed. He was hunched over, head in his hands. Hearing the door open, he turned. It was Detective Reed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, frowning slightly. His eyes were red-rimmed, indicating that he'd cried. 

"I'm sorry," she said softly. "We didn't mean to disturb you." She turned to leave. 

"No," he called. "It's okay." He gestured for her to come in, then froze, noticing Connor behind her. "Well if it isn't the plastic detective." His voice held a bitter venom. 

"Detective Reed," Connor greeted, voice neutral. "I thought you hated the lieutenant."

Reed scoffed, glaring at the android. "You don't know anything."

Sensing the tension, Clara intervened. "I'm sorry, detective. We should go." She tried to leave, but Connor's form blocked the door, unmoving.

"You know, he was like a father to me, before Cole died," Reed went on, ignoring Clara. He continued to glare harshly at Connor, standing and taking a few steps forward. "But after, I tried to be there for him, but he pushed me away. He pushed everyone away." He slowly advanced toward them. 

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