Chapter 25: He Deserved It

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Their drive to the lab was mostly silent. Clara played music quietly in the background to fill the space, humming along quietly as she took notes on her tablet. Glancing at Connor, she saw him staring out the window, idly watching the cars as they passed. He seemed deep in thought. They continued like this for the remainder of the ride.

Ms. Alvarez once again greeted them in the lobby. "Amanda would like to see you," she said, offering a forced smile. 

"Not today." Clara continued toward the elevator, ignoring the woman. 

"Connor, stop her," the intern ordered. "She needs to go speak to Amanda."

The android said nothing, continuing behind Clara. 

"Connor, you were given an order." Ms. Alvarez's voice grew harsh. "Stop her."

They reached the elevator, neither saying a word. Clara turned around, facing the intern from the door, resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at her. Instead, she pressed the buttons for her lab floor, staring the woman down as the doors closed.

Once the elevator started moving, she turned to Connor. "Why didn't you obey her order?" she asked, puzzled. 

"I'm not programmed to obey Ms. Alvarez." He glanced at her, wearing a slight smirk. "Besides, you're already injured. I'd prefer not to add to that."

Clara felt a flash of surprise and then a wave of appreciation for the android. "Well, thank you." She smiled back. 

The elevator ride went by quickly, and the doors opened. Clara stepped out, nearly crashing into Dr. Hollister once again. 

She groaned internally, then plastered a small smile on her face. "Dr. Hollister."

"Dr. Hayes," he said, looking at her in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here." She tried pushing past him, but he stepped in her way, blocking her path. 

"I thought you would be out a while, recovering from your injuries. Rumor has it the deviants got you too." He gave her a perplexed look. 

"I'm fine." She tried stepping around him again, only to have him continue to block her. 

"Are you sure? It looks like you have some bruising on your cheek." He reached out a hand to grab her chin. 

Quickly, Connor's hand shot out, stopping him. "Dr. Hayes is still recovering. Do not touch her." He squeezed hard, causing Dr. Hollister to flinch, then let go. "Now if you'll excuse us--" he pushed the man aside, "--we have work to do." 

Clara quickly moved past the doctor, hurrying to her lab. Connor kept pace beside her. She flung the door open and rushed in, looking around for her friends. She looked toward the window to the interview room, noticing the furniture had been moved. It was now piled haphazardly against the inside of the door. Clara felt a surge of panic.

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