Chapter 30: Feverish

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The gentle sounds of trickling water and rustling leaves eased their way into Connor's consciousness. He opened his eyes to the quiet serenity of the Zen garden. Looking around, he spotted Amanda waiting for him on the center island. She stood facing away, hands clasped behind her back. 

"Welcome back, Connor," Amanda said, not turning. 

Connor made is way across the bridge, coming to stand beside here. 

"Hello, Amanda." He offered her a small smile, but she wouldn't look at him.

"Walk with me." She gestured toward the far bridge.

Connor nodded, keeping pace with her. They were silent for a few steps.

"You went offline for a few hours yesterday," she said, breaking the silence. "What happened?"

She must be referring to when he blacked out in Dr. Hayes' lab. 

"I'm not sure," he said. "I was in the lab with Dr. Hayes and one of her assistants. They say I just collapsed. I have no memory of anything happening in the time I was out, but no one was close to be when it happened."

"I see." She still would not look at him. "Did you run a diagnostic?"

"Yes. Everything came back normal. As best as I can guess, I went into a temporary shut down, similar to when I go into standby. But I have no idea what triggered it." He once again played through the memory. The static toward the end stuck out jarringly this time. 

"Curious." She finally looked at him. "Have you let Dr. Hayes tamper with you at all?

He shook his head. "No, not since you instructed me not to."

"Good." Her voice was stern. "Have one of the techs take a look at you when you go back to the tower."

"I will." He gave her a quick nod.

She smiled slightly, then turned away, facing the path in front of them. "Now, what have you learned? Are there any new developments?"

Connor thought of his revelation yesterday and his suspicion that Dr. Hayes was the one who had leaked her own whereabouts to the rogue deviants. He opened his mouth to tell Amanda, but then...hesitated. He wasn't sure why. Telling her was part of his mission, so why couldn't he?

He had no proof, he realized. That must be it. In fact, he had nothing except his own suspicion. That wasn't enough. He didn't want to disappoint her.

"Dr. Hayes is starting to slip up," he told her instead. "I believe I'm close to discovering something. I just need a little more information."

"Very good, Connor." She gave him a warm smile. "Keep pushing."

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