Chapter 41: The Wolves or the Sea

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******Content Warning: blood, self-harm, a brief suicide attempt (All Clara, and of the usual variety, because girl really can't catch a break.)******

Connor and the other androids followed Eli through Zion, making their way back up to the house. Eli took a roundabout route, avoiding the more crowded thoroughfares that ran through the underground city, and eventually, they arrived at a library. When they entered, it appeared at first glance to be empty, but a startled face peaked around the corner.

Connor recognized this new android as one of the deviants Clara had reactivated.

"Oh, Eli." Her face fell, eyes tearing up. "I heard what happened to Clara. I'm sorry. She was an incredible person. I'll miss her."

Eli sighed, rubbing his face, looking exhausted. "Hi Sara. I appreciate the thoughts, but Clara may not actually be dead."

"What?!" Sara started in surprise. "Where is she then?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Eli half shrugged. "I can't give the details right now."

"Oh." Her face fell. She looked around at the androids trailing behind the man, and a look of confusion crossed her face. "What are you all doing?"

"I can't tell you." He gave her an apologetic smile. "I don't want word to spread."

She nodded, sighing. "I understand."

"And I'd appreciate it if you kept our presence here a secret. I don't want anyone else to get involved." He gave her a meaningful look.

She nodded again, face serious. "My lips are sealed. I'll leave you to it." She gave him a small smile, then turned, heading for the door.

"Thank you, Sara." He gave her a small smile, then faced the other androids, waiting for the door to close before speaking. "Alright, Simon, North, and Connor, you're with me. Markus, I need you to stay here and cover for the others."

Confusion flickered across Markus's face. "Why? I want to help."

"You're a good talker. And, you're part of the council now. That makes you high profile. People will notice if you're gone. And..." Eli slouched a little, giving Markus a serious look. "I need someone on the inside that I can trust. You have access to a lot of things, and we may need you to back us up from here."

Markus considered this for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. I understand."

"Now, the four of you will need to be in constant contact with each other when possible to coordinate everything." He looked between the androids. "That way Markus stays appraised, and so everyone knows what they need to be doing."

Connor nodded, along with the other three.

"Good, let's go then." Eli made his way to the back of the room, coming to stop in front of a large, ornate bookcase tucked into the corner.

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