Chapter 45: End It

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******CONTENT WARNING: Attempted suicide, blood******

The mansion was quiet and dark when the truck pulled in. Connor and the others sat in the back, carefully observing through the small, grated window as the truck backed in toward the garage. It came to a halt, and he heard the door open and close as the man stepped out of the driver's seat. One of Clara's human agents. The man opened the back door for them, gesturing for them to step out, then reached in to grab a few lawn tools. Without another word, he disappeared around the corner to the back yard, likely to take care of some maintenance stuff.

The three androids exchanged a glance, then made their way quickly and quietly to the front. As they climbed the steps, Connor caught sight of a small box on the porch, but there was no address. Shrugging, he scooped it up carefully and it into the crook of his arm, then pushed the front door open. It was equally silent inside. The air was dark and heavy.

Remembering the state he'd found Eli in after Clara's initial capture, Connor tossed the box onto one of the side tables then rushed upstairs. He found the man slumped against the edge of his bed, passed out with glass bottles littering the floor around him. Connor sat him up, analyzing him. His face was lined with tracks from dried tears, and he hadn't shaven in a few days. He looked pale and haggard. Connor suspected the man was in a ethylic coma, due to the amount of alcohol he'd consumed. But his heartbeat was strong. He would wake up soon.

"Eli." Connor spoke softly, gently patting the man's shoulder. "Wake up."

Eli groaned, but his eyes cracked open, and he squinted at Connor. For a moment, he looked confused, then recognition set in.

"Leave me alone." The words came out a slurring groan, and he shoved weakly at Connor. "I don't want to do this anymore."

"I know." Connor sat back, allowing the man a few feet of distance. "I don't want to either, but Clara needs us to figure this out."

Eli turned his head, and his face drew down into a glare. "Why didn't you save her? You were supposed to save her?"

For what felt like the thousandth time since meeting her in that café all those weeks ago, Connor felt the sharp pain of guilt. "I know. I failed." He turned his head away, avoiding Eli's eyes. "I cannot express how sorry I am. It never should have happened."

He glanced up to see Eli's face morph into a deep despair, pain settling behind his eyes as they teared up. "I shouldn't blame you." His voice was hoarse and hushed. "I'm sure you did your best." He mustered a weak smile.

Connor felt his chest constrict with emotion at Eli's words. The forgiveness was nearly worse than the guilt. For a moment, he couldn't move as his body locked up.

He clenched his jaw, fighting back his own tears, then spoke through a constricted throat. "I had no idea it would all go so wrong." He turned, leaning back against the bed by Eli, then pulled his knees up to his chest, dropping his head into his hands. "I had her, Eli. For a moment, I had her."

"What happened?" Eli looked at him with sad eyes.

"I left her alone." Connor sighed heavily, then the story came spilling out. He held nothing back as he filled Eli in on everything that had happened from the moment they'd arrived at the Tower. His initial suspicion that something was off. Finding Clara in the lab. Running into the other RK-800. Their ill-fated escape attempted. Then leaving her in that stairwell only for her to disappear. Having to choose between finding her or saving the others. Leaving her behind. Then the hours they'd spent hiding.

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