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[Third person pov]


Taeyang looked at her watch again, tapping her foot on the linoleum floor. It was the fourth time she had knocked and yet no response. Was she impatient? Nervous? Fretting? No! She was angry that it was 9:02am and Felix wasn't out yet.

“Hey neighbour,” the blonde waved the moment he opened the door, a bright smile on his face.

“You're late!”

“I'm sorry,” Felix slipped out through his door. He grabbed Taeyang's wrist, immediately dashing farther away from his apartment.

“What are you doing?” Taeyang's brows creased in a confused frown, struggling to match up Felix's pace.

Felix rounded the corner, peeking to make sure the coast was clear. “Hyunjin duh-”

“Am I supposed to understand that?” she irked a brow at him, totally vague out by his sudden jolt.

“My Hyung, I'm running away from him, he's gonna be like 'hey Felix be a good kid and do what I wouldn't do and just in case things escalate here's a co-”

“Please stop talking, thank you,” The brunette pleaded, trying to sound nice, but her monotonous voice and dull eyes always made her out to be rude, and that's another reason people avoided her.

“You're funny,” Felix sniggered. “So where are you taking me? I gave up hanging out with Ji, you better make it worth my while. Aren't I the best neighbour?”

“Do you want an honest answer? No.”

“Hey that's mean. Why do I always get the mean girls?”

Taeyang didn't have the answer to that question, so she started walking–  hoping the guy she didn't know was blonde–  would follow her. Felix jugged a bit and caught up with her, still smiling for no reason.

Actually Taeyang didn't have a place in mind, she just wanted to roam about and maybe Felix's energy might rub off on her. She wondered what emotion she'd feel next, joy? Surprised? Whatever its going to be, she wanted it to be nice.

The walk to nowhere was Felix rambling about his friends and story while Taeyang tried giving a hearty reply. “I searched for the chip for three days and finally found it tucked inside my couch, long story short, it was still delicious.”

Felix saw how Taeyang's face changed into a expression he hadn't seen on her before. Her brows creased and her cheeks were pushed up by her pursing lips.

She glared at him. “Ew!”

__________• ° ★ ° •__________

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