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[Third person pov]

"Shut up, and let me tell you."

Felix chuckled, raising his hands in a mock surrender. The blonde had done some digging and found out that monochromatic problem is a result of deep and chronic depression. He talked about it and when Taeyang wanted to tell, he kept insisting that she shouldn't if she wasn't comfortable.

The brunette huffed. It was a memory she wished she could forget, but with the outcome flashing every damn time, it was very hard. She remembered all too vividly when she was being pulled out of he hospital room by her bellowing Father, she didn't understand her mother had just died and only thought she was just ill and taking a nap.

After tragically slow weeks passed, her Father's started changing. He would give no attention to her and instead lock her away in her room to study. The days go by with his behavior becoming worse, he started blaming her for his wife's. Its all your fault, if she hadn't dropped you at school, she wouldn't have gotten in that accident.

He would return home drunk, and hit her until she passed out, leave her starving and would sometimes tie her in the dark cold basement for hours. He restricted her studies and told her teachers she was being home schooled. It was pure torture.

Well that was until he too had an accident from drunk driving. The seven year old had to be sent into foster care, were the children bullied her for being too skinny.

It was all too much, the stress, the assault, she couldn't take it anymore. And by the time the paramedics arrived it was almost too late.

Taeyang opened her eyes, the bed was warm but the room felt cold and that annoying beeping sound. She looked around not being able to identify any colour, it was all the same, she wanted to cry but couldn't. Everything was the same.


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