Chapter 5

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▪️S E R E N A▪️

The Marquis wanted me to get naked.

His request hung in the air like a heavy fog, suffocating the room. I felt panic rise within me, my mind racing for an escape route. Jumping out the window seemed like a more enticing option by the second.

I met Alessio's gaze, wide-eyed, and hesitated, "My Lord, surely there must be another way..."

His response was oddly matter-of-fact, as if he were discussing the weather. "There's no need to be shy, Sereno. We're both men, after all. We have the same parts."

I could not help but let out a nervous chuckle, the absurdity of the situation threatening to overwhelm me. "Ah, yes, but surely there's a more modest approach to trying on clothes?"

Alessio arched an eyebrow, clearly amused by my flustered attempts at deflection as he replied, "Modesty? In this house? You may find it to be in short supply."

"That may be true," I began, the words measured and deliberate, "but perhaps..." I paused, searching for the right phrase. "Perhaps a bit of privacy would do wonders for my confidence."

His gaze flickered down the entire length of my body with a subtle shift of comprehension. I noticed the way his pupils dilated while he seemed to regard me with newfound understanding, a realization dawning in his beautiful blue eyes.

It was as if a missing puzzle piece had finally slotted into its rightful place, and a shiver of unease ran down my spine. For a brief moment, I could not shake the worry that my carefully guarded secret had been exposed.

Alessio's voice softened, "Ah, I see. Modesty is not always about bashfulness, is it?"

With a gentle movement, he reached out, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. His touch was firm yet gentle, a gesture of support and camaraderie. I met his gaze, gratitude welling up within me for his kindness.

Just as I was beginning to find solace in his compassion, his next words caught me off guard. "I'm sure your cock isn't as small as you're suggesting, Sereno."

A sharp inhale escaped me, my breath momentarily stolen. The Marquis' comment had been unexpected and I blinked, momentarily lost for words, my throat constricting while I struggled to find an appropriate response.

After a beat, I managed a small, uncertain smile. "Thank you, My Lord. Your kindness and understanding are truly appreciated."

He tilted his head and replied, "You're welcome, feel free to step behind that screen while you change."

I breathed a silent sigh of relief, grateful for the small concession.

It seemed that humour had come to my aid in the most unexpected way, turning a potentially uncomfortable situation into a memory I would surely chuckle about for years to come.

As I moved behind the screen, I whispered a silent thanks to the heavens for providing me with a way out. The screen offered a semblance of modesty, and I swiftly changed into the new clothes, standing at a slight angle to ensure the makeshift binding that hid the curves of my small breasts remained discreet, all the while suppressing a chuckle at the sheer absurdity of the entire situation.

The Marquis displayed an exquisite taste in fashion, and the attire he chose for me was a testament to his refined sensibilities.

The tunic he selected was a luxurious deep blue, akin to the evening sky just before nightfall. Its fabric felt smooth against my skin, and delicate embroidery adorned the collar and cuffs. Paired with the tunic were trousers of a slightly darker hue, providing a harmonious contrast. Along the outer seams ran a narrow strip of the same embroidered pattern from the tunic, offering a subtle touch of continuity.

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