Chapter 19

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▪️S E R E N A▪️

"Will you trust me?" I asked, my voice carrying the weight of my emotions.

I searched Alessio's face for a sign, any indication that he was willing to take this leap of faith with me. His expression, once filled with surprise, now held a mix of contemplation and a vulnerability that mirrored my own.

In the depths of Alessio's eyes, I could see the wheels turning, his mind grappling with the enormity of what I had disclosed. The initial shock had given way to a contemplative expression, as if he were sifting through layers of our time spent together, reevaluating the moments we had experienced together.

Silence lingered between us, each passing moment feeling like an eternity.

"I... I need time to process this, Serena," he admitted, his gaze never leaving mine. "It's not easy to grasp that someone you thought you knew so well has been hiding such a significant part of themselves. But..."

Alessio's words trailed off and his shoulders, which had slightly slouched in the face of the revelation, squared off with a newfound resolve. The tension around the corners of his eyes, gradually relaxed, and the slow transformation in his demeanour caught my attention.

Despite the tremors coursing through my body, a wave of both anticipation and nervousness, I exhaled steadily to calm myself and summoned the courage to speak.

"But..." I whispered, uncertainty colouring my words.

The unspoken question lingered in the air, aching to be voiced. What was he going to say? Was it a sign of acceptance, or was he preparing to distance himself from me and the web of secrets I had woven?

My anxiety, once concealed behind a facade of confidence, surfaced like a tide. I clasped my hands together, fingers intertwining in a silent plea for understanding. The room seemed to tighten around us as I awaited his response, every heartbeat echoing the weight of the unspoken words that hung between us.

Taking a deep breath, Alessio continued, "I want to trust you, Serena, even if the path ahead is unclear."

Relief and apprehension mingled within me.

Even though his gaze held a mixture of emotions—hesitation, understanding, and a lingering uncertainty, his willingness to trust me was a glimmer of hope. However, I recognised that rebuilding the trust I had lost would be a gradual process. Nevertheless, I was wholeheartedly committed to doing whatever it took to regain it.

I nodded, my way of silently acknowledging the depth of Alessio's emotions.

The subtle movement of my head was more than a mere physical gesture; it carried the weight of understanding and acceptance. As our eyes remained locked, a small, appreciative smile slowly formed on my lips. It was a tender expression, a delicate curve that mirrored the warmth blooming within me. This smile was not just about the relief of his acceptance but also a recognition of the courage it took for him to confront the unexpected revelations about my identity.

"I understand, Alessio. I appreciate your honesty," I replied, my tone maintaining its gentle sincerity. "Things have happened that I never anticipated, but I promise, when the time is right, I'll share everything with you. Until then, will you allow me to remain at your side?"

Deep down, I knew it was a lot to ask.

The journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty, and Alessio had every right to step away, to demand time and space to process the truth. Yet, I just could not ignore the undeniable connection we shared, the love he professed, and the oath I took to protect him as a squire.

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