Chapter 12

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▪️A L E S S I O▪️

I never liked sharing.

The notion was not just a passing whim; it was a fundamental part of who I was and as my eyes swept across the scene before me, the sentiment only intensified.

"Fucking bootlickers!" I muttered.

The arena bustled with jubilant chatter, each word a shard of glass that cut through my composure. The sight of Sereno basking in the adulation of the nobles grated on me like a discordant melody.

His victory in the recent foot combat event had elevated him to a pedestal of admiration, a spectacle of skill and valour that resonated throughout the chivalric circles. The clang of swords and the echo of shields colliding had heralded his prowess in close-quarters combat, showcasing not only his technique and agility but also his innate ability to disarm and disable opponents with calculated precision.

As Sereno stood amidst the applauding crowd, I could not help but stare at him. His every movement seemed choreographed, a dance that drew the eyes of the onlookers. I clenched my fists, the sting of jealousy bubbling within me.


The possessive thought struck me like a lightning bolt, and though I could not fathom what had come over me, I also did not care. Sereno was my squire, the one I had mentored and invested my time in. The applause meant nothing if not for the knowledge that he belonged to me in more ways than one.

As the crowd continued to shower Sereno with accolades, I felt an irrational need to stake my claim visibly. The possessiveness that gripped me manifested in subtle gestures—a tightening of my jaw, a lingering gaze that dared anyone to challenge what I considered mine. It was a silent proclamation, a declaration to the world that Sereno was more than just a skilled squire; he was under my wing, a reflection of my guidance and, in that moment, an extension of my pride.

Allowing Sereno to bask in his achievement, I retreated to a secluded alcove.

The distant laughter and cheers formed a symphony that echoed my internal turmoil. Why did the sight of him command my attention so fiercely? Was it the effortless grace with which he navigated the crowd or the quiet strength that emanated from him?

As I continued to watch Sereno, I could not escape the persistent question that hung in the air: What did my fascination with him mean?

My mind involuntarily drifted back to last night—the near kiss that lingered in the air like an unspoken promise. The charged moment, suspended between possibility and restraint, left an imprint on my thoughts.

And then, there was this morning—the soft light filtering through the curtains, revealing Sereno and myself entwined in a gentle embrace. I realised that I enjoyed waking up with him in my arms and was already contemplating ways to get him to sleep in my chambers when we returned to the villa.

I let out a sigh as I remembered watching him sleep.

In the quiet sanctuary of our shared space, I awoke to find Sereno still lost in the realms of dreams. The rise and fall of his chest were the only audible whispers in the tranquil morning.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains above, they traced a delicate outline on Sereno's serene face. I had taken a few precious moments to savour the tranquillity of the scene before him waking. His features, bathed in the tender light, revealed a vulnerability rarely seen in the waking world.

The tousled strands of his dark hair framed a face that seemed to embody the essence of peaceful repose. Sereno's eyelashes, long and dark, cast gentle shadows on the canvas of his cheeks. The faintest hint of a smile graced his lips, as if the dreamscape he inhabited held secrets only the subconscious could fathom.

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