Chapter 25

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▪️A L E S S I O▪️

Upon my return from the Cardinal's residence, Serena could tell that something was wrong.

The weight of worry etched upon my brow was impossible to conceal, despite my best efforts to maintain a composed façade. I offered her a reassuring smile, though it felt strained upon my lips. She knew me too well to be deceived by such a feeble attempt at reassurance.

"What's wrong?" Serena asked, her voice laced with concern.

I hesitated, grappling with the confusion churning within me. How could I burden her with the weight of my worries? And yet, I could not bear to keep her in the dark, to face the uncertainty that lay ahead alone.

Taking a deep breath, I reached out to grasp her hand, seeking solace in the warmth of her touch, oblivious to any prying eyes that might be watching our intimate exchange. But with the vast, empty hallways surrounding us, we were safe from unwanted scrutiny.

"The Cardinal," I began, my voice heavy with resignation. "He has plans for me, I fear I may be married off soon."

Serena's gaze softened with understanding, her fingers intertwining with mine in a silent gesture of solidarity. "I'm sure there's a way out of this."

Yes, I can come back to the future with you, I thought, but dared not say out loud, knowing the complexities and uncertainties that such a decision would entail. Instead, I squeezed her hand gently, offering her a wordless promise that together, we would find a way to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

Later that night, all I could think about was not being able to have Serena at my side.

I watched as she got ready for bed, the light of the candles dancing over her naked body. Each flicker illuminated the contours of her form, tracing delicate shadows across her skin, a sight that stirred a longing deep within me.

Over these last few days, the idea of taking our intimacy to the next level made my heart race with excitement every time I thought about it.

With Cardinal Ulisse's proposition continuing to linger in the corners of my mind, casting a shadow over me, I found myself increasingly unable to entertain the idea of being intimate with anyone else.

Just thinking of being with someone else made me feel hollow and distant compared to the overwhelming warmth I experienced whenever I looked at Serena. In that moment, amidst the turmoil of conflicting emotions, my heart whispered a single truth: I wanted Serena, and no one else could compare.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

Her voice, a gentle melody in the quiet room, accompanied her graceful steps towards the bed. The flickering candlelight, like a silent conductor, orchestrated an ethereal dance across her naked form, illuminating her skin in a mesmerizing play of shadows and light.

In that suspended moment, I found myself captivated by her presence, my breath catching as I drank in the sight before me. Each glimmer of light seemed to caress her curves with tender fingertips, tracing intricate patterns that only accentuated the exquisite beauty she possessed. I paused, allowing my gaze to linger on her, my heart swelling with an overwhelming admiration.

"I can't help it," I finally replied, my voice barely above a murmur. "You're so beautiful, Serena."

Her cheeks flushed with a delicate pink hue, her gaze flickering momentarily. She shifted slightly on the bed, a soft rustle of fabric accompanying her movement as she made herself more comfortable.

"Thank you," she murmured, her eyes meeting mine. "Are you sure that you're alright?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

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