Chapter 8

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▪️S E R E N A▪️

As the night unfolded, the grand ballroom transformed into a realm of delight.

The air buzzed with laughter and music, and the flicker of candlelight danced on gilded walls. Guests, bedecked in finery, revelled in the festivities. A troupe of skilled musicians serenaded the crowd, their melodies weaving tales of love and adventure.

During the night, Alessio and I conversed briefly amidst the revelry. However, there were moments when he left my side to go mingle among the crowd. With a wink, Alessio would bid me a fond farewell, promising to return soon before making his way through the grand hall to greet his friends and attend to his guests.

While the Marquis excused himself once again to mingle among the throng of guests, for what felt like the umpteenth time, I found myself momentarily alone in the opulent ballroom. Just as I was continuing to take in the splendour around me, a female attendant approached, her eyes gleaming with a mischievous spark.

Antonia was a familiar face in the villa, a short and voluptuous redhead who was typically occupied with her duties as a maid. However, on this special evening, she had been entrusted with the task of serving. 

Dressed in a modest, ankle-length gown with a fitted bodice and a full skirt, the garment exuded understated elegance as Antonia moved with a grace that belied her role. Her nimble fingers expertly navigated the delicate china and crystal, an air of refined poise accompanying each step.

"Sereno," she purred, "finally getting a moment for yourself amidst this splendid affair?"

I met her gaze with a polite nod, careful to maintain a courteous distance as I replied, "Yes."

She chuckled, her gown swishing softly with her movements. "Perfect, I'll keep you company for a bit until the Marquis returns."

If the gossip around the villa was to be believed, Antonia liked to sleep around with the staff and it seemed as though she had set her eyes on me as her latest target. I had learned to navigate our interactions with a careful balance of friendliness and clear boundaries, always choosing words that conveyed respect rather than romantic interest.

Unfortunately for me, Antonia was persistent and not accustomed to heeding subtle signals. Despite my best efforts to maintain a professional distance, her advances continued. It became evident that she was determined to test the boundaries, unaccustomed to hearing the word "no." 

As such, I knew I would need to find a way to communicate my boundaries more explicitly.

"How has your night been?" I enquired.

"Not too bad, if I'm being honest," she answered.

We exchanged idle chatter about the guests, their ornate attire, and the lively atmosphere. Every so often, I would steal glances at Alessio, who was engrossed in conversation with a group of nobles. The flicker of candlelight danced across his features, highlighting the strength and poise that defined him.

Antonia noticed my gaze and leaned in, her voice a sultry whisper, "Is that why you've been playing hard to get? You desire another?"

"Mind your tongue..." I retorted softly, my tone firm but measured.

The words were a reminder that there were lines that should not be crossed. My position as a squire afforded me a certain level of authority, and I wielded it with a careful balance of assertiveness and respect.

She tilted her head, a sly smile playing on her lips, undeterred by my response. "Or perhaps," she continued, her words dripping with insinuation, "you simply enjoy the chase."

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