Chapter 22

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▪️A L E S S I O▪️

While I stood naked before Serena, I felt a mixture of vulnerability and anticipation.

This was not the first time she had seen me without clothing, especially considering our relationship as Marquis and squire. However, it was undoubtedly the first time in such an openly intimate atmosphere.

I wondered if she could sense the slight nervousness that lingered beneath my confident exterior. The connection we shared had evolved, and as we stood on the precipice of a new level of intimacy, I found myself contemplating the significance of this moment. The dynamics between us were shifting, and I could not ignore the subtle but undeniable change in the air.

Serena remained quiet while her brown eyes, reflecting the firelight's warm glow, slowly roamed over me. The soft flickering of the light accentuated the contours of her features, casting a gentle and inviting hue. Her gaze seemed to linger on every detail, from the curve of my shoulders to the subtle lines that defined my form.

Of course, her gaze also seemed to linger on my erection, taking in every hard inch as it jutted out in front of me.

There was a certain susceptibility in her stance, a hesitancy that spoke volumes about the significance of this moment. Yet, intertwined with that vulnerability, I could sense a growing confidence, an acknowledgment of desires that had long been veiled. The play of shadows added an element of mystery, concealing and revealing in a dance of light that mirrored the unspoken connection between us.

I could not help but find a certain irony in the situation.

Here I was, standing completely naked, while Serena remained fully clothed. It was almost comical, a reversal of roles that added a touch of light-heartedness to the vulnerability of the moment. Yet, beneath the surface, there was a shared understanding that this was more than a simple exchange of glances; it was a silent realisation of the shifting dynamics between us.

It was hard not to notice that Serena had fallen into a contemplative silence. Her cheeks were gradually taking on a rosy hue, and I would have given anything to know what she was thinking.

"Is everything alright?" I enquired, my curiosity piqued.

Serena jolted slightly, my voice clearly startling her. She quickly recovered, offering a playful smirk before responding, "Oh, everything's perfectly splendid. I was just admiring the view."

"Were you now?" I retorted with a grin of my own.

"Yes, though I must say, I expected more dramatics when you disrobed. Where were the grand gestures? The dramatic pauses?" Serena teased, and her words were accompanied by a theatrical sweep of her hand, am expert display of mock surprise.

I chuckled softly, the sound resonating, "What can I say, you caught me unprepared. I had not realized this was a performance. Shall I summon the court minstrels for a grand unveiling?"

Serena laughed and shook her head, "No need for all that. I'm just trying to make sure you're not getting too big-headed. Can't have that, now, can we?"

Glancing down at my erection, I arched a brow and retorted, "A bit late for things getting too big, no?"

"Indeed..." Serena responded, her breath hitching.

"So, what did you have in mind? Did you plan to stare at me all night? Or perhaps you wished to paint me?"

To be honest, I did not mind the idea of Serena painting me. In fact, I had planned to ask her to paint a portrait of me as I found her artistic talent captivating. The notion of being immortalized on canvas by her skilled hands held a certain allure.

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