Chapter 29

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▪️A L E S S I O▪️

The morning sun filtered through the heavy drapes of my chamber, casting a golden glow over the room. 

I watched Serena stir beside me, her face a picture of beauty even in her sleep. A sense of urgency thrummed beneath my skin, reminding me of the tasks that lay ahead, but for now, I allowed myself a moment of quiet contemplation.

As I gazed at her, memories of our journey together flooded my mind.

It felt like a lifetime ago when she had first stumbled into my world, disoriented and confused. I could still remember the day she arrived at the villa, dressed in men's clothing as she was escorted by the royal guard. At that time, everyone, including myself, had believed her to be Sereno. Her disguise had been convincing, and she had played the part well, her strength and resolve masking the vulnerability she must have felt.

In those early days, I had been impressed by Sereno's dedication and bravery. He had quickly proven himself invaluable, always ready to assist and unafraid to speak his mind. I had found myself drawn to this mysterious squire, despite the boundaries of our respective stations. There was something about Sereno's eyes, an intensity and depth that had captivated me from the start.

Then came the day when the truth was revealed. My heart still pounded in my chest when I thought about what could have happened to her had I not gotten there in time. In that instant, Sereno ceased to exist, and Serena emerged. The shock of the revelation had been profound, yet looking into her eyes, I realized that a part of me had always known. The strength, the passion, the fire that burned within her—it had always been unmistakable, no matter her guise.

Since that day, we had faced countless challenges together. The threat of discovery, the suspicions of the court, and now the accusations of witchcraft. Through it all, Serena had remained steadfast and brave, her determination unwavering. She had become my confidante, my ally, and my love.

Now that the Cardinal had outed her to everyone, there was no longer any need for her to hide her true identity within the villa. The staff, initially shocked, had gradually accepted the revelation. Serena's courage and integrity had earned their respect, and they now saw her as she truly was—a formidable woman, deserving of their loyalty.

I smiled while I kept staring down at her, marvelling at the journey we had undertaken. From the moment she had arrived, our lives had been irrevocably intertwined. The road ahead was uncertain, fraught with danger and intrigue, but I knew that together, we could face anything.

As if sensing my gaze, Serena's eyes fluttered open.

She smiled sleepily, as she murmured huskily, "Good morning."

"Good morning, my love," I replied, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead.

She stretched languidly, then fixed me with a curious look as she sat up. "I had woken up earlier and you were gone. Where did you disappear to?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "I had some stuff I wanted to take care of before we started implementing our plans where the Cardinal was concerned."

"Oh?" Serene said as she propped herself up on one elbow. "What plans?"

"I think it's time we return to the cave where you first travelled through time, see if we can find some way of getting you back."

Her eyes widened slightly, "Do you think it's possible for me to return to my time?"

"I believe we must try. If there's any chance of understanding what brought you here, it lies within that cave."

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