Chapter 20

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▪️A L E S S I O▪️

My villa, a stately testament to the heritage and history of my family, stood nestled in the embrace of the rolling hills, its very stones woven with tales of generations past.

Serena and I wandered through the manicured gardens, a few days having passed since our return from the tournament. The air carried a serene stillness, a stark contrast to the lively energy that pervaded the competition grounds.

As we strolled through the nearby orchard, memories resurfaced, entwining the present with the echoes of the past. Serena's eyes mirrored the appreciation for the history that surrounded us. 

Apparently, she was an Art Historian.

When I had first heard the term, it sparked a flicker of confusion within me. It sounded like a profession from a realm of knowledge foreign to my own. Serena, noticing my silent question, wore a small, knowing smile. She explained that it was a discipline that delved into the evolution, styles, and cultural contexts shaping art through the ages.

The concept intrigued me, though the intricacies of such a subject remained shrouded. Not to mention the thought of her studying at university, that was even more perplexing. During the Renaissance, the idea of studying at a university was reserved specifically for men. On average, most women were not even taught how to read, although women of higher standings typically received private tutoring.

When I enquired about how it was possible for a woman to attend university, a momentary hesitation flickered across Serena's features. Her gaze held a shadow of a mystery, an unspoken complexity that lingered between us. However, she assured me that this was a part of her past—a chapter she would gradually unfold for me in due time.

Pushing the thought away, I shifted my gaze toward Serena as we continued our private stroll within the expansive garden.

The evening cast a soft glow, highlighting the lush greenery that surrounded us. The air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, creating a tranquil ambiance. As I observed Serena, dressed in her guise as my squire, a subtle sense of bewilderment crept into my thoughts.

How had I not realized she was a woman before?

Her attire, once convincingly portraying a male squire, now held a different resonance. The way the fabric draped over her form, the delicate curve of her neck, and the gentle sway of her movements painted a picture I had overlooked. Now that I knew who she really was, I could not unsee it.

The promise of learning more about Serena's past lingered in the air, adding a layer of depth to our already deep connection. I found myself eagerly awaiting the day when she would share all the details about her life before coming to Savoy.

Even though I knew I still had a lot to learn about her, I appreciated Serena's willingness to disclose more about herself, even if in small doses. However, the more she divulged, the more I was inclined to believe that she was from another planet. The view of women attending university remained an unfamiliar concept to me and as Serena continued to share more about herself, the gap between our worlds seemed to widen.

At the notion, I chuckled softly, the sound carrying a hint of warmth and fondness.

"What's so funny?" Serena asked.

Running a hand through my hair, I remarked, "Nothing really, I was just thinking about what you told me the other day about you attending university. Women studying alongside men? This is unfamiliar to me, I just find it hard to understand how it's possible."

"It's a pretty normal thing where I'm from, well in certain parts at least," she casually mentioned, her words hanging in the air like a tantalizing mystery.

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