Chapter 32

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▪️S E R E N A▪️

I tried to resist, but it was no use.

The guards, their faces stern and impassive, following their orders with mechanical precision, dragged me towards the cell and shoved me inside. The iron door creaked and clanged shut behind me, the sound echoing through the damp, dimly lit dungeon.

As I was pushed forward, I glanced over my shoulder, my heart aching with a mixture of fear and longing. There, just before he disappeared from view, I saw Alessio. 

Our eyes locked in a moment of silent, desperate communication. His gaze was filled with determination and a promise that resonated deep within me: he would find a way to save me. That brief connection, though fleeting, gave me a flicker of hope amidst the overwhelming darkness.

I watched Alessio walk away with the Cardinal, my heart heavy with a mixture of fear and hope. I clung to that promise as the shadows of the dungeon closed in around me.

The air was thick with the scent of mildew and decay, a testament to the countless souls who had suffered within these walls. The cold stone floor was rough beneath me as I sat down, my back pressed against the unforgiving surface. Chains clinked and rattled from other cells, their eerie symphony punctuated by the occasional distant scream or moan of despair.

The reality of my situation settled over me like a suffocating shroud. I was a prisoner of the church, accused of witchcraft—an accusation that, in this time, was as good as a death sentence. Despite my faith in Alessio, I knew how powerful the church was and how deeply the fear of the unknown ran in this era. The Cardinal's spies had heard everything, and now, armed with their testimony, he held all the power.

While I sat there, my thoughts drifted back to the moments leading up to this nightmare. How had I ended up here, in this cold, dark cell, a world away from my own time? 

The memory of my frantic escape from the mafia, stumbling into the cave and hitting my head, replayed in my mind. When I had emerged, disoriented and terrified, I had been thrust into a world that was both familiar and alien.

Now, as I faced the grim reality of the dungeon, I could not help but think of all the people who had been here before me. How many had awaited their fate, praying for salvation that never came? The thought sent a chill down my spine. The dungeon was a place of hopelessness, where the cries of the innocent and guilty alike were swallowed by the darkness.

But Alessio was different. He was a beacon of hope in this oppressive gloom. I trusted him with my life, knowing that he would do everything in his power to save me. Yet, the nagging doubt remained. What if he could not sway the Cardinal? What if the church's power was too great, and their minds too closed to accept the truth of my origin?

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart as I murmured, "I have to stay strong, for Alessio and for myself."

The future was uncertain, but I knew one thing for sure: I would fight with everything I had. I refused to allow the darkness of the dungeon to consume me, to snuff out the flicker of hope that burned within. The Cardinal's machinations may have cast a shadow over my fate, but they would not break my spirit. With every fibre of my being, I vowed to defy the forces arrayed against me, to cling to the belief that there was still light to be found in the darkest of places.

The following morning, I was already sitting up, my senses on high alert.

Sleep had eluded me through the long, oppressive night. The cries of other prisoners echoed through the stone walls, their pain and despair seeping into my dreams and keeping me awake. 

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