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"What's happening over there?", you wondered, staring in the voice's direction with curious eyes, slowly lifting the baseball bat as you stood up.

Another loud yell was let out, causing your curiosity to grow even bigger. You could sense the danger coming from whatever that place was, and it made you eager to know what was going on.

Should I check?

"No! Y/n!", you reassured yourself with a scowl that could even be considered funny, stopping yourself from thinking further about what you just heard. "You are not checking anything. You are finding your way back home and going to bed!"

And there it was. The fourth scream of the night. Only this time, it was a different voice doing the shouting.

Water ran down your skin, making your black wavy hair cling to your face, and your gray eyes glittering in the moonlight. You blinked away the raindrops, your white blouse clinging to your skin, as you turned your head back towards the source of the sound with the wooden stick in your hand.

There's definitely a fight going on there.

"No. Y/n. Keep walking", you strictly said, looking back forward before stopping when you heard one other scream, feeling the inquisitiveness in you block your muscles from moving in any other direction.

"Wait", you said in the middle of your groans. "What if the fight is happening outside the woods?"

Your thought sounded convincing, there was a possibility that if you did run to where the shouts were coming from, you would find your way out of this forest maze.

Still, there was also a possibility that it would indeed be going in the middle of it as well, but before you could think it through, you already found yourself running to the source with no other thought in mind other than going back home and having the longest sleep in your life.

There was one last scream before everything went quiet, it sounded from the same first person as before. Your steps became faster, as you realized that whatever you were going to witness there, it might be more serious than you thought.

As you kept on running, you finally noticed an alley not far away from where you were. "Finally", you whispered, relieved. But the moment you reached the end, two girls ran past you down the passage.

They seemed so panicked, so scared, so nervous that it made you even more curious. You turned to where they came from, and there were two guys, one sitting on the ground from exhaustion, and the other tiredly standing in front of five other dudes wearing black uniforms.

It was obvious how beaten up the boy standing up was, he was swinging right and left, unable to stand straight. His hand seemed to be badly injured too, while one of the black jacket guys held a knife in his hand, with an ugly smirk carved on his face.

Now that was something you'd like to watch. You squeezed the bat in your hand and quietly walked closer to the scene.

"Draken-Kun", the boy spoke, his voice as frail as his body seemed to be. "What'd'ya think heaven is like?"

The guy next to him blinked at him, before standing up as well, strugglingly. "Haha", keeping his deep tone as he chuckled. "Bitch, you're going to hell."

Standing side by side, they barely managed to remain upright, their stance shaky and their knees bending with every rain-soaked step. Yet, they did not falter or give in to the elements around them.

You leaned forward on the baseball bat, getting more interested as you hid behind the tall dude. Even though you hadn't even seen their faces, the strength their backs held made you feel a sort of praise you hadn't felt in a long time, and that alone drove a grin to form on your lips.

The Promised Revenge [Manjiro Sano]Where stories live. Discover now