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"Wha-" You let out a startled scoff, your expression morphing into a puzzled frown. "What do you mean no?"

"I mean exactly that," the burly guard stood before you, arms crossed defiantly over his broad chest.

"Well, that's just fantastic," you rolled your eyes dramatically, letting out an exaggerated sigh. "Here I was, thinking you'd roll out the red carpet for me."

"Sorry, kid," he replied gruffly. "Minors need to be accompanied by a guardian to visit."

"Guardian? Please, I've survived years without one," you sneered, crossing your arms in mock offense. "I think I can handle a fifteen-minute visit."

The guard responded with a skeptical raise of his eyebrow, clearly not amused by your antics. "Rules are rules," he retorted gruffly, his voice leaving no room for debate.

His stoic visage and unyielding tone only fueled your growing frustration, and you cast a critical eye around the dim surroundings, the sterile, dull gray walls matching the guard's personality.

"Yeah, I get it," you muttered, irritated at the bureaucratic stubbornness. "But come on, all my friends have visited him before."

The man frowned suspiciously. "Really? All of them?"

"Oh yes, every single one of them," you insisted, trying to project an aura of unwavering confidence. "We're a big friend group, so we visit him separately."

You observed the flicker of doubt in his gaze, silently praying that your performance was convincing enough to sway his skepticism. His eyes narrowed, not buying it. With a gruff tone, he stated firmly, "Look, missy, I don't know what you're trying to pull, but every minor needs adult supervision."

You gasped, acting offended. "Are you saying my friends are liars?"

"I'm saying they followed the rules," he retorted sharply. "Unlike you."

His voice had a tone of finality that sent a sharp twist of frustration through your gut, but you weren't about to give up the fight. You tilted your head, meeting his gaze head-on. "And I suppose you've never made an exception?"

The guard responded resolutely, his jaw clenched in a stubborn line. "Not for minors."

"Fine," you sighed, throwing your hands up in resignation. "I guess I'll just have to tell Kazutora that you're the reason his day is ruined."

"He won't care," the guard shot back, unmoved.

"Maybe not," you agreed, putting on a veneer of feigned sorrow. "But at least I tried. Can't say the same for you and your heart of stone."

The man's expression hardened at your comment, and you could see a hint of irritation in his eyes. "Is that supposed to be a guilt trip?"

"I don't know," you said, breaking the act for a moment. "Is it working?"


"Damn it," you muttered under your breath.

"It's the policy," the guard reiterated firmly, his expression as uncompromising as his stance. "I can't do a thing about it."

"Policy Schmolicy," you retorted, your irritation seeping into your tone. "I just want to see someone. Is that really too much to ask?"

"Yes, when you're a minor without a guardian," he responded with unwavering resolve, his voice adamant.

You knew it was pointless, but you couldn't help but push a little more. You paused, pretending to mull it over. "Hmm, let me think. How about... no?"

He stared you down, unmoved. "I can't let you in."

The Promised Revenge [Manjiro Sano]Where stories live. Discover now