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An educational institution that could be considered as also a second home for children. A family of wonderful friends, outstanding teachers, fond memories, blah blah blah...

It was so obvious that when kids defined their school life that way they were hating every single word they were saying. Who the heck takes a dungeon that imprisons you early in the morning to waste your entire day learning stuff you won't even use in the future as their second home?!

You didn't really care about school or your school experience. You knew that even if you complained about how much you hated it to others or tried to change anything about it, everything would stay the same. So why bother wasting the energy? Just survive it with the littlest effort ever done.

People walking side by side and blocking your way?
Push your way through.

Teachers lecturing you for not paying attention?
Curse them under your breath.

Couples cuddling in front of you?
Drop dead!

A new school year has now started. Waking up that morning, you were officially a second-year middle school student.

You spoke about this the day before with Emma and Manjiro while helping them pack Draken's things. They asked you if you ever studied with Chifuyu in the same class since it seemed like the penguin couldn't keep that mouth of his shut and already told people that you two studied in the same middle school.

And the second you said no, the ultimate question was thrown at you.

"Wouldn't it be nice for you both to end up in the same class this year?"

Your response was evident and clear.

It wasn't that you disliked the guy or anything. Absolutely not. He was a nice guy, even the first person you were gradually befriending without being involved in your plans.

Yet, as someone who wanted to get into college after high school, you hated the idea.

You knew that if that man was in the same room as you, you would not study a thing. And you also knew that if you kept failing your tests as you already were, your dream of getting into a cooking school could be thrown in the river.

So when you stood in the crowd trying to read the names of your classmates hung on the tables, you couldn't believe your eyes when seeing it there written in black ink, all clear and shown to the world.

"Hey! We're in the same class!", the cheerful man next to you claimed, sounding as joyful as he seemed.

You were defeated.
The universe has failed you once again.

But maybe it won't be as bad as you imagined it would be. As Aaru used to always say: Let's keep looking on the bright side. That was what got you and Manjiro closer to each other after all.

Perhaps, your seats would end up so far away that you won't even notice him during class.

"Let's walk to class together", Chifuyu suggested, not giving much thought to the scowl on your face.

Never having a friend in class growing up surely made you assume only the worst of it. You witnessed Aaru, the extroverted friendly once your twin who befriended almost anyone he met, he didn't have any problems being a top student even with all the friends in his class.

But Aaru was born a genius.

You were born hating the planet for existing.

"Damn, Y/n", Chifuyu said, looking you up and down with a teasing chuckle escaping his mouth. "What's with you? You look drunk."

The Promised Revenge [Manjiro Sano]Where stories live. Discover now