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You imagined yourself maintaining a proper eating schedule.
You imagined yourself becoming a world-known chef.
You even imagined yourself ruling the whole damn world.

But never in your life, had you imagined yourself sitting next to asleep Manjiro Sano. The only scenario you had in your head with him unconscious was when he would be dead!

Don't wake up! Don't wake up! Please don't wake up till Emma comes back!

You kept on praying, stealing glances at him every now and then. You were biting your lower lip in nervousness, your legs moving up and down, your hands sweating just by the thought of him being alone with you in the room.

Wait... You suddenly thought, turning your shaky glares to where he was napping. This is literally my perfect chance to kill him.

He was dozing, so ending him would be as easy as pie. He wouldn't be fighting back, he wouldn't talk you out of it, he would be just... be asleep.

You stared at him, focused, studying if the idea that just crossed your mind was actually worth it or not. You could strangle him and run away before the two come back, then live the rest of your life hiding just like you were planning to do once you'd finish the job.

You could just end it all here, without any more spamming and faking relationships.

Looking around, you thought about using a pillow, to end it faster and easier. But no, you wanted him to die looking at you, you wanted to see those painful stares in his eyes as he took his last breaths, you wanted to calm those loud voices in your head born from your raging spirit.

You stood up, stepping closer to him. His head on the arm he put on the sofa back, the setting sun's orange rays coming from the window behind him glittering his skin, strings of his blond hair falling on his face, the calm features that made him seem as at peace as ever...

As you sat down next to him, gaping at his gaze, you couldn't help but wonder. How could someone like him end up being so wicked? How many others had he fooled with those innocent eyes he gave?

You lifted your hands, aiming your grabs at his neck.

Getting closer to his dozing face, you stared at it blankly, hearing those voices in your mind slowly coming back to life, as if the view they were seeing was exciting them more than anything else.

Your hands were slowly moving with the muffles in your head, as you started to realize that everything would be over the moment they reached his throat.

Your gaze was inches away from his, he seemed peaceful, not an emotion showed on his face, his blond eyelashes glowing at the sun, it made you feel awful for ruining such a view at the instant.

That was it, that was the end of it all...

The boy breathed all of a sudden, slowly opening his eyes and revealing his dark pupils as if he felt your breaths on his cheeks.

You froze, your eyes focused on his willow ones that instantly widened noticing your existence this close to him, your hands in the air directed at him that made him back up a little in surprise.

Welp. That's embarrassing.

You quickly moved away, sitting back down, looking out the window with your I'm-looking-at-the-trees-because-they-look-cool-and-not-because-I-was-looking-at-you-sleeping stare, your fists clenched in your tights while you were trying your best to avoid eye contact.

That was definitely going to be understood wrong...

You could feel his stunned glances still on you, and all it made you do was sweat harder and bite your tongue to stop yourself from saying anything that would make the situation worse than it already was.

The Promised Revenge [Manjiro Sano]Where stories live. Discover now