[2] Space crystals

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Sun rays kissed your face. The sounds of chirping birds was natures wake up call. Your eyes fluttered open, looking a head of you. Your eyes widened and you immediately sat up, taking in your surroundings.

Sand and dust.

That was all you could see. The wind blew in your hair as dust particles blinded you. You rubbed your eyes as a squawk above you caught your attention.

Large birds like creatures circled around you. Eyeing you like you were their next meal. Which you were. You scrambled to your feet and ran. Your breathing became shallow.

The creatures followed close behind you. One of them swooped down and readied their talons. You dodged in time to evade the attack and sprinted as fast as you could. You definitely didn't want to be lunch.

"Ugh, I should have done more exercise back home" You thought.

The sand made it harder to run for your life and it felt like you had been running for hours. Though it was only a few minutes. Out in the distance you spotted something stick out.

As you got closer, you realized it was a cave. Deeming it a safe place, you ran even faster. You ducked in for shelter, backing away further and further from the entrance. The creatures were too big for the cave.

Once at a good enough distance, you took a chance to look around the cave. Markings were inscribed on the walls. Each hieroglyphic told a story about a red lion.

This kind of seemed familiar, you just couldn't put your finger on it. Suddenly a beak thrashed into the cave. You jumped, panicked that the creatures were going to find a way in the cave.

You laid a hand on the wall for support. Then the hieroglyphs started to glow red. "HUH"

The floor dropped beneath you. You let out an ear piercing scream as you fell. You landed with an oof and groaned in pain while lying on your back. You opened your eyes and sat up.

Around you were colorful transparent crystals. And they looked so good to eat.

"These could probably compete against skittles."

You looked behind you and gasped out loud. No way this was real. This had to be a dream. You pinched yourself and winced in pain. Nope, this was real.

Okokok, let's backtrack here. You went to sleep on your couch, woke up in a desert, coincidentally found a cave about the red lion and now the red lion is in front of you in the flesh. Oh and now you're somewhere in space. That's nice.

"That's a lot to process" You sighed.

Wait did you still have your phone? You quickly rummaged through the pockets of your grey sweatpants.

"YES" You cheered, pulling out your phone.

It was at 89%. Not bad. You just hoped that by some miracle your phone wouldn't die. You checked all your apps on social media and they all said invalid.

The only apps that worked was Snapchat camera, photos, and the camera app itself.

You looked up from your phone and made eye contact? With the red lion. There it stood in all its glory, behind its particle barrier. You waved your hand.

"Yo, this must be so weird having someone who's not your paladin find you."


"Right, you can't really communicate with me," You trailed off lowering your hand.

You got bored staring at the lion and walked off towards the crystals. A chill ran down your spine. It felt like you were being watched. You looked back at the lion.

"This is what Lance probably felt" You shivered.

"Do you think these are edible?" You questioned with a bored look on.

The lion made no sound or movement in response , so you shrugged your shoulders, "I'm like starving."

You took a small piece of the crystal and carefully took a bite. It wasn't as hard as you thought it would be. It was crunchy and had a crisp taste to it. You hummed in satisfaction.

You gathered a bunch of crystals and brought them along with you towards the lion. You settled in front of her and laid the crystals on the ground.

"Lol, I'm stealing Keith's lion."

You stupidly started to make a conversation, "So how did you get here, oh wait let me guess you were hidden away from an oversized cat, huh"

You tried to joke, but it just got awkward.

"You're probably wondering who I am and I'm going to tell you so you don't think I'm a crazy lunatic." You smiled.

You then started to explain to the lion how you got here and where you were from. Obviously not the part where this whole reality was a show. In time, you felt more comfortable speaking about your world.

"You're a great listener you know." You chuckled.

"I know what it feels like to be away from family and having to be alone. I mean you were separated from your family for 10,000 years." You looked up at the lion and it felt like it had its guard down.

"This was really refreshing to talk to you, so thank you." You yawned.

Damn, all that running and eating made you tired. You laid on your side looking at the lion. Your eyes started getting droopy. Your heart slowed down making you feel calm.

With all the might you could muster, you muttered "I'm going to take nap."

And with that you were asleep.

Unknown to you, the lion was studying you. You seemed human, but also NOT human. She guessed it was because you came from a different world. She felt comfortable around you after you talked to her.

She felt that you could relate to her situation of being alone for so long. And at times she did miss her family and friends. But she got her hopes up when you said that she would get the best pilot ever. She thinks you're a psychic.

She feels the need to protect to you. Even though you're not her paladin.

Words 1004

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