[5] That girl

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Team Voltron settled their Lion near the entrance of the castle. Everyone panting and sweating.

"We did it." Shiro cheers. 

"Heck yeah, we did." Keith joins in.

"How did we do it?" Shiro questions.

"I was just, like, screaming the whole time. Maybe that did it." Hunk said with a smug look.

Shiro placed a hand on Pidge's shoulder. "We're not going to stop searching until we find your brother and father. Wherever they are, I know they'd be proud of you." And with that Pidge smiles.

"We won the battle, but the war has only just begun. I'm afraid Zarkon will not stop until he gets these Lions." Allura explaines in a serious tone.

"Good thing you Paladins know what you're doing, because you're going to have to form Voltron again and again." Coran adds.

"Totally—Wait, what?" Hunk was perplexed.

"We barely survived forming Voltron this one time." Lance says. 

"And you only had to fight one ship. Wait until you have to fight a whole fleet of them! It's not going to be easy being the Defenders of the Universe." Coran starts stroking his mustache.

Everyone's eyes widen in surprise and looked back at the lions. "Defenders of the Universe, huh? That's got a nice ring to it." Shiro says as they all smile at the lions.

Something popped up in Keith mind; the girl in his lion.

"Hey guys" Keith started.

Everyone looked in Keith direction, waiting for him to continue. Pointing behind him where his lion sat, he said, "When I got my lion, there was someone else in there. Come on."

"What do you mean, there was someone in the Red Lion?" Coran asked.

Keith lead the group towards his lion as she lowed her head, giving them an entrance inside.

"Huh, aren't only paladins supposed to get the lion? What if it's a monster?!" Hunk jogged to the front of the group.

"Are they a girl? Are they cute? I bet when they see me they'll fall head over heels." Lance says dramatically.

Walking down the corridor, Allura's walking right next to Keith. "That's impossible , Keith. The Red lion is very temperamental and would let just anybody in. Are you sure you're seeing correctly?"

Lance blurts, "Yea, I bet Keith was just seeing things."

"Of course I'm not blind! I know what I saw, Allura." Keith shouted.

They made it to the cockpit as the doors opened up. The crew piled up behind Keith and Allura. In the corner lay you with the particle barrier around you.

"How peculiar. She seems to be human." Coran walked up to you, inspecting the barrier that divided you from the rest of the team.

"How did she get all the way out here?" Shiro contemplated.

A growl was heard in Keith mind. The Red lion was asking them if they would take care of her friend.

"Red just asked me if we would take care of her friend."  Keith said causing eyes to look at his strange. 

"Incredible, someone who's not a paladin, bonded with the Red Lion." Pidge exclaims.

"If the red lion trusted that girl enough to let her in. Then I suppose we should too, but first let's get her to the healing pods." Allura wearily says.

The Red Lion purred and released the barrier surrounding you. Your soft breath could be heard. In and out. In and out.

Lance smirked and run towards you, "I'll carry-"

"I'll carry her back." Keith says, you already situated in his arms bridal style.

"Oh nononono. I'm carrying her!" Lance lunges at Keith, but he moves out of the away. Letting Lance fall flat on his face.

" You're just going to drop her. Plus you have Allura already." Keith sassily replies, looking down at his rival.


"No," Allura walks out of the lion with the team following.

Pidge and Hunk snicker together. Lance pulled himself up and stuck his tongue out at Keith. He ran over to the others pouting.

Keith was the last one to exit. Carrying you was easier than he thought. He would take glances at you from time to time, studying your eyelashes and the way your skin glowed in the setting sun. Why didn't he let Lance carry you. He doesn't know. He's body just moved on its own.

You stirred in Keith's arms and snuggled your body against his. A smile made its way in your face along with a blush on Keith's. Doors to the cryo-pod opened and Keith walked in.

"Just set her in this one." Coran guided Keith to an open pod.

Words 768

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