[6] What's up my homies

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We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I (do I)
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you underst-

"- so peaceful"

"And pretty"

You groaned. Where were you. It feels so cold. You hear a hissing sound and you started falling.

"Welp, this is how I die"

You felt a pair of arms catching you. You faced smushed into their torso. Begrudgingly, you looked up and your (e/c) eyes meet with dark sparkling violet ones. You looked around and spotted a short bean, a Cuban boy, the sun, some guy who's probably their dad, and two elves.

You looked back up at your savior. He had a black mullet and wore a red cropped jacket. Oop, you know where you are now.

"Cute" you mumbled, not realizing what you said out loud.

Keith's face got red. No ones called him cute before. "What?!"

"Huh?" You said, picking yourself up and letting Keith back away from you.

The 7 people just stared at you while you started at them back. "So what's up my homies?" You waved.


"So you're probably wondering why I was in the Red Lion and also my name's (y/n)."

Lance appeared in front of you, wiggling his eyebrows,"Where you sent from he-"

Allura pushed him out of the way, "Nice to meet you, (y/n). I'm Allura, princess of Altea. And these are the paladins."

They all introduced themselves to you but you weren't really paying attention. Oh well.


"Huh?" You answered confused.

"Would you mind telling us why you were in the Red Lion."  Allura asked smiling at you.


"Are you like its other pilot?" Pidge interrupted you.

"No, I-"

"Where did you come from? Are you human?" Hunk asked.

"Let me-"

"Are you WiFi because I think we have a connection." Lance flirted with you.

"Your body is 65% water and I'm thirsty." You smirked.

Lance.exe has stopped working.

"Ok, so as I was saying." You started telling them about how you found the red lion, making something up along the way and you also made sure to not tell them that you were from an entirely different universe.

What you didn't notice was a certain mullet head frowning from your last comment with Lance.

"Why is this bothering me"

Words 409

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