[4] The Red Lion

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Keith strategically maneuvered through the hallways of the Galra cruiser. With Shiro and Pidge following close behind him. Suddenly Shiro gasps, "I've been here before. After I was taken by the Galra cruiser off Kerberos, they brought us here."

"So, that means your other crewmembers, they might be held captive here. We... We've got to rescue them." Pidge exclaims. This could be a lead.

"Pidge, we don't have time. We have to get the Red Lion and get back to Arus." Shiro explains, turning his body towards Pidge.

"But we can't just leave prisoners here!" Pidge argues.

"Look, no one understands that more than me, but, in war, we have to make hard choices. Now, let's get moving." Shiro tries to reason.

"No! Commander Holt is my father. He and my brother were the ones on the Kerberos Mission with you." Pidge explains with sad eyes.

"Commander Holt is your father?" Shiro questions with an astonished look on his face.

"Yes. I've been searching everywhere for him and my brother. And I'm not going to give up looking when I'm this close. I won't!" Pidge says.

"I'm coming with you."

"What!" Keith looks at Shiro like he was crazy. I mean, wasn't he already?

Shiro starts devising a plan, "I remember where the prisoners are held. Keith, you go find the Red Lion."

"By myself?" Keith questions. The boy was probably sobbing on the inside.

"Minor change of plans. You'll be fine. Just remember, patience yields focus. So-." Shiro was interrupted when some doors down the hallway opened up.

Keith ran and panted down the hallway. The hallway split in two, forcing a decision on him.

"Great. Now, which way?" He muttered, looking both ways then up at the Galra emblem. Footsteps approached, so he ran to the right.

Keith panicked and started running random ways. He wasn't thinking and you can tell that he's bad with directions. He ended up back where he started.

He grinned and threw his head back. Breaking heavily, he closed his eyes and whispered to himself, "Patience yields focus."

He could finally see the Red lion. It was located in one of the Galra hangers. About time.

"Gotcha" He grinned, running in the direction of his lion.

Keith arrived in the hanger. Eyes scanning the lion behind its barrier. "Bingo"

He laid his hand on the barrier expecting it to dissolve away. With a confused face, he said, "It's me Keith. Your buddy."

Now we all know that the Red lion was waiting for Keith to prove himself. Of course, she was exited about her paladin, but she didn't know if he was a good person on the inside.

You had spoken so fondly of the boy in front of her. But she had to do a test of her own. Gun shots were fired and Keith immediately brought out his shield.

Angrily, he yelled, "I'm bonding with you! Hey, come on! We're CONNECTED!"

He grunted and took out his bayard. Transforming it into a sword, he charged at the sentries.

"You're not getting this lion!"

Keith fought a few off, but he was sent back towards the control panel. An idea sparked. His oxygen mask covered his face and he hit the button, opening up the floors.

The sentries spilled out of the ship. But with the doors open, debris was getting sucked into outer space. Keith struggled to hang on to the control panel, but a piece of metal caused his hand to slip. And with that he tumbled out the ship.

Keith looked around himself, breathing hard and panicking. Suddenly the red lion appeared in front of him and gobbled him up. Nom nom nom, Yummy.

Keith sat in the pilot chair, smirking. "Good kitty. Now let's roll."

In the corner of his eye, Keith spotted a particle barrier around a sleeping figure. They looked human, but now that he knew that aliens existed he wasn't too sure.

Their (h/c) hair fell on the girl's face slightly covering her (s/c) skin. But the question was: How did she get in the Red Lion? Were they connected somehow?

Keith was a strong hearted person. Red just didn't trust him yet with you. But she'll be opened minded.

Back at the Castle, all four lions were lined up in front of the doors that hid the Black Lion. Each of them lit up, activating the doors. The Black lion was revealed and lit up. It gave a mighty roar as the rest followed.

Words 732

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