[3] Galra attack

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It's been a few weeks? Months? Time was a blur. All you really ate were the crystals. Red tastes like strawberries. Blue were blackberries. Green were grapes and so on and so forth. You get the idea.

It might've seemed a bit unhealthy, but they packed good nutrients, so it's whatever. They were probably made of quintessence.

You spent most of your time with the Red lion talking to her. On someday, you would walk to the small stream in the cave and wash yourself and your clothes.

You had some grey sweatpants paired with a blueish-grey sweatshirt that had white lettering that spelled NIKE.

You had on your NIKE shoes and your headphones around your neck. Surprisingly, it came with you on your journey here. You also had your galaxy covered phone.

You just got done drying yourself off from washing yourself

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You just got done drying yourself off from washing yourself. Walking over to Red, you sat on a near by rock.

"Man, it's relaxing here sometimes." You sighed.

You could hear the lion purr in your mind. Recently, she's been communicating to you like paladins do with their own lions. Telepathy you guess.

The ground started to shake beneath you. Some rocks and crystals fell from the ceiling to the floors. Shattering upon impact.

"Ugh, spoke too soon"

Huge chunk a of debris started to fall. You were getting worried. Was there something outside trying to get inside? Then you remembered, that in the show Sendak held the Red lion on his ship.


You had to let Sendak take the Red lion, but then you would be left dead or alone of you stayed. Otherwise, you could ask Red if she would let you inside her cockpit.

"Hey-" But before you could even start. Red lowered her head and opened her mouth allowing you entry.

"She really trusts me" You felt so honored.

You scurried up the ramp and into her mouth. You ended up in the cockpit where the pilot is supposed to go. You sat on the floor near the piloting chair.

"Thanks, Red" You grinned and in response she purred.

"So adorable" You squealed.

But then you could felt the Red lion being lifted up. Sendak had probably caught the Red Lion in his beam thing and now you were heading directly towards his ship. You could faintly hear the movement of Galra sentries and the voice of their commander.

The red lion started to get thrown around. On the inside, you weren't expecting the blow. So you weren't hanging on to anything. Your body slipped everywhere until eventually your head it the chair. You groaned in pain as your eyes betrayed you and closed shut.

Red couldn't do anything to help you. So purred to comfort you and created a small particle barrier around you.

Words 466

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