[8] I always feel like somebody's watchin' me

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"You did it! You formed Voltron!" Allura exclaims.

"No. The shooting stopped and the particle barrier shut down, so we just flew in." Keith replies.

"What?" Allura glares at you as you put your hands up in defense. "I didn't turn it off"

"Oh, right. Uh, sorry, Princess. I had to turn off the Castle defenses to test the fire suppressors." Coran explains saving you from a very irritated altean.

Shiro then arrives and sees the others resting "What are you guys doing in here? We're not taking a break."

"Shiro's right. You should be training." Allura exclaims.

"We've been training. When are we going back to Earth?" Hunk complains.

"I'm not going back until I find my family." Pidge says.

"Guys, there won't be an Earth if you don't figure out how to fight Zarkon." You explains.

"How are we going to fight? We can't even figure out how to form Voltron." Lance exclaims.

"Well, I'm not surprised. You know, the original paladins fought hundreds of battles together, side-by-side. They were like a pack of yalmors linked at the ears." Coran says.

"Wow. Yeah, that's definitely not us." You say falling back on the couch. You felt someone staring lasers at you, but you didn't bother to look. You knew you were fabulous to look at.

"During the last attack, your survival instincts forced you to work as a team, but that will only get you so far. You'll have to become a real team to have any chance of forming Voltron and then beating Zarkon next time. You should try working out on the training deck."Coran speaks.

"There's a training deck?" Hunk asks.

"Ughhhhhhh" you complained.

Allura says that if you're part of the team you have to train. She gave you some armor to protect yourself with. The armor was kind of like the others, but the color was white with accent of grey. The torso and arms were also different. The helmet was also pretty comfy.

Allura gave you a choice of weapon for the exercise. You chose two gold fan and immediately you thought of pretending to be a certain demon. Akaza would be 'thrilled'.

Note: This is NOT your body type. This is just to show the armor and fans.

You stood in between Lance and Shiro, Lance on your right and Shiro on your left

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You stood in between Lance and Shiro, Lance on your right and Shiro on your left.

"Two, two, one, two." Coran says into the speaker.

"Okay, listen up, guys. The paladin code demands you put your team members' safety above your own. A swarm of drones is about to attack."

"I'm not even a paladin. Why am I here" you groaned in annoyance.

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