[7] Wake me up before you go go

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The night before you got to hang out with the paladins for a bit. They told you where they were from and how they discovered the Blue Lion. And all that stuff. The team was really comfortable around you. Even if you said weird things like 'slay' or 'skibro'.

Pidge and you bonded over games. You talked with Hunk about food. I mean who doesn't love food. And you talked about the love life with Shiro and Lance. Allura was pretty excited to hear your story and that there was another girl on the ship.

Coran was fascinated with how you bonded with the Red lion. And Keith. He talked a little here and there. Allura gave you, your own room near the paladins. It's was next to Keith's room and across from Pidges.

So you followed Keith back to your guys rooms. You walked side by side in total silence.

"So how are you?" You asked.

Keith glanced at you then back in front of him again, "Fine, I guess." Then it went quiet again.

Keith thought the walk with you was going to be awkward, but it was actually pretty calming. You weren't loud and obnoxious like the others. He felt relaxed around you.

You made it in front of your door and looked back at Keith, " Goodnight, see you tomorrow," you waved, walking in your room letting the doors close.

"Goodnight," Keith smiled unconsciously, walking into his own room.

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hu-


"Uuuggggghhh, just snooze already," you lifted your arm over your face.

You slept in your clothes from yesterday. And it was pretty comfy ngl. Your eyes slowly opened,  getting used to the light. Slouching towards your bathroom mirror, you fixed your hair to make you look more presentable. Not all of us wake up with beautiful hair.

"Everybody up! Zarkon's attacking!" Shouted Allura through the speakers.

You slowly put on your shoes and checked the time. It's was probably 7:35 right now, but your battery percentage was still the same. Score.

You ran to the control center because Allura was probably going to yell at you if you came in late. Behind you, you heard Keith's doors opening. You wanted to get to the room quicker so you took a short cut.

You didn't want all of your sneaking around in the castle at night to go to waste.

"Hurry! We can't survive much longer!" Allura voice was just beyond the doors.

You ran in, panting, laying your hands on your knees. "Man, hahaha, I really need to exercise."

"You have to do a better job than that, Allura," You walked towards both Coran and Allura.

Allura smiled at you, "(Y/n), that was pretty quick." You shrugged, "I took a shortcut."

Coran cleared his throat, "As (y/n) was saying, you have to sell it a bit more." He took the mic.

"Oh no! Allura is dead! Awww, it's horrible! Her head fell off. Now (y/n)'s being held hostage and they're torturing her." Coran dramatically shouted causing Allura to look at his weirdly. You took out some magic popcorn to watch.

Coran bent down, putting a hand near his ear, " Wait! What! Allura's severed head is trying to speak to me! What is it Allura's head? What are your final words?" He started tearing up.

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