[1] I must be Thor

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"I love you, Lance"
"I love you too, Allura"

"WWHHYYYYY" A loud cry erupted.

The room was dim. Sounds coming from the TV playing and the human figure on the couch. Sniffing could be heard in the eerie room.

"DON'T DO IT ALLURA!!!" You sobbed, rubbing your eyes from tiredness.

You picked up the remote and paused the show. You just couldn't handle the situation right now. Even though you've seen it hundreds of times. Why did Allura have to die. You get it, it was to save the universe, but what about Lance.

Was he just to mourn for the rest of his life after he got the girl of his dreams?

You steadied your breathing. Closing your eyes, you took a breath. The smell of the comfort of your home calmed you. Realizing how dark it was outside, you looked at your phone.

11:10 pm

You felt stupid. Were you really going to make a wish at 11:11? Yes, you were.

Gently closing your eyes, you interlocked your fingers together. In a small voice, you whispered, "To the universe and beyond, grant my wish of being in the stars with the crew I most desire."

You felt like a Disney Princess wishing on a star. You chuckled at your own humor. The smile then diminished on your face. Your home felt empty and quiet.

And no, it isn't some cliche fanfic you on Wattpad where the MC's parents are dead or abusive. You had a normal life as a 16 year old. Your parents loved you and everything, but they were never really there. Most nights your parents went on business trips, leaving you at home.

Tonight was one of those nights. You hated thinking about reality. Kinda makes you realize what kind of world you're living in. You were lonely, and being homeschooled doesn't help at all.

You shook your head. Enough of your sob story, you yawned. Sleep consuming you. Your head rested on the pillow of the couch.

Your eyes drifted off and your mind went blank. Now all that could be heard was your soft snoring echoing in the house.

Outside, the clouds seemed to gather. The moon herself was covered along with her radiant light. The stars twinkled as though they were communicating with each other.

Lightning struck the house and was engulfed in flames.

Words 397

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