[10] Caboom

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Allura threw a party  for the arusians and that could only mean one thing. She made you wear a dress. You liked dressing up from time to time but the dress was a bit much for you.

Well what do you expect, Allura chose the best for you

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Well what do you expect, Allura chose the best for you. Right now, the arusians were casting a play of what happened on the battlefield.

"The monster fell from the sky! It was an epic battle, but Voltron was victorious!" Then the arusians playing Voltron fell.

"No. I said, Voltron was victorious!" The Arusian king repeated and "voltron" was back up again with the robo beasts down.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for that... wonderful production. It saddens me that we must leave tomorrow, but we must continue our battle with Zarkon and spread peace throughout the universe." Allura announced, she then gives the King a communication device.

"Your Highness... please accept this gift. This will allow you to contact us anytime you need help. Arus will be the first planet in the Voltron Alliance."

The kind cheers followed by the rest of the arusians.

"We ought to get something like that." Hunk says, walking up to you, Lance, and Keith.

"Like what?" Lance asks.

"You know, like, a cheer. Like, a team cheer that we do." Hunk explains.

"Mm-hmm. Yeah, okay. How about, uh... I say 'Vol' and you say 'Tron.' Vol—!" Lance starts chanting.

"Uh... Vol-tron?" Keith says, quite confused.

You start laughing at how innocent Keith was. It was just too cute.

"Okokok, (y/n) do it with me. I say 'Vol' and you say 'Tron'. Vol-!" Lance chants again.




"See now you try Keith. The cheer includes the instructions. I say 'Vol' and you say..."

"... Vol-tron?"

"... We'll work on it."

Keith just shrugs at Hunk. Not knowing what he did wrong. He then looks over at you. In his eyes, you look like a goddess. "Nice dress, (y/n)"

"Thanks, Allura made me wear it," you chuckle embarrassingly.

Lance then starts making weird faces.

"Coran, what is this?"

"Oh, this is Nunvill, the nectar of the gods."Coran replies.

"It tastes like hot dog water and feet."

"Yeah, makes a wonderful hair tonic as well." Coran sprinkled some Nunvill on his mustache and it grows luxurious. Lance retches and just stands still. You, Keith, and Hunk observe at him until Keith poke him and he falls.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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