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"You're an agent? Like the FBI?"

"No, I work under the DSO," He sighed sternly.

"I haven't heard of that,"

"Doesn't matter, Marie. Now I understand this isn't your first time being detained by the law?"

You felt really stiff, and your foot was starting to feels pins and needles. Upon trying to give it a little jiggle while you were sitting down, it occurred to you that you had been put into a full body strait jacket while you were unconscious, tightened to the point that your sense of feeling was starting to fade. You couldn't even flex your neck. And that was possibly most
annoying aspect of the strait jacket because your hair was trapped in your neck space and it was awfully itchy.

Ah, the same thing was happening again. How did the police never learn from their previous mistakes? Of course, considering this had happened to you a handful of times in the past few years, you knew that there was no reason to panic. Although, you had never spoken to a special agent in the past.

You studied Leon some more. Although you felt weird for thinking such a thing, you were surprised by his dashing appearance. His beauty was more ethereal that the random guys you'd pass at the gas station or airport, and more unique than some boyband member.

What was such a man doing with his life in working for the government instead of being a supermodel? A supermodel would surely get paid much more. You definitely weren't going to directly ask Leon Kennedy such absurd questions, but you came to the conclusion that he must've had a very good reason to choose his line of work. His stoic facial expressions gave you the feeling that he had seen some bad shit- and not the kind you had.

You admiring of this man was short lived when he slammed a stack of paper on the interrogation table. They were photographs taken from various sources- car dash cams, security cameras on nearby buildings, and from civilian's phones; all printed out before you. Leon looked back up at you, staring straight into your eyes.

"Let's talk about this," Leon spread out the photos so you could take a good look.

What you saw in the photographs was absolutely gruesome. Something much worse than the haunting memories of your ninth birthday.

Each photograph was the same moment taken from different angles. What appeared to be you, armed with a machete, a dozen bodies at you feet, in the middle of slaying another aggressively.

You gasped at the sight of the event. Your eyes darted to each photo, hoping that there would be a space for you to lay your eyes where you wouldn't be met with such horror. You almost forgot that it wasn't even you in the pictures, because the situation was far too grotesque for you to process anything else.

The only thing you could look at that wasn't vile was Leon, sitting patiently before you with a cold frown.

You stared right into his eyes with fear, searching for something comforting. Leon's eyes were the cleanest and clearest thing in the room. You didn't have to say or be told anything, just grounding yourself in his presence seemed to lower the weight the horrific images, even just a bit.

"Talk. What were you thinking, Marie?"

There was his voice, clear as day, and sharp enough to bring your out of your trance.

That's right, you weren't Marie. Falsely arrested once again, for the second or third time this year? It didn't matter at this point. Despite having not seen or heard directly from Marie for the past eight years, you were very well aware of her condition and her actions getting worse over the years. Perhaps by the time she's in her thirties, maybe she'd try to overthrow the government? Only time would tell, but you knew damn well that this was the last straw, and Marie wasn't going to get away with a full-on massacre!

DOPPELGÄNGER | Leon Kennedy X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now