His Angel

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The suburban town was just as grey and soulless as it had always been, after your family fell apart.

You began to wonder if your memories as a young child were perhaps inaccurate, maybe changed by time. Because this was not supposed to be how the town looked.

The streets were dirty and littered, the air didn't smell green, and the sun was hiding behind clouds. Not a single bird could be seen or heard. You could see a severely malnourished cat limping around the sidewalk, and people walked past briskly without batting an eye.

You sat in the passenger seat next to Leon of the car that he first took you to the hospital in.

"Everything will be okay," Leon reassured you as he turned through different streets, eventually driving down yours.

"I know... I'm just scared of having another fight with my mother over something I cannot control. She's just been so... weird after everything crumbled to dust. I get that dad leaving hurt her, but it's been nine years. I came to terms with it after about a year."

"Well, I assure you that this is the last time I am sending you back to this place. Since you're eighteen next week, you're free to live wherever you want." Leon parked the car beside the curb.

"Of course, I'd definitely need to stay with the Neo RPD crew until the mission is over," You sighed and opened the door on your side.

"We're all very happy to have you." Leon walked beside you, approaching your childhood home.

"Especially Chris."

"Yes, especially Chris," He echoed in a grumble.

You came to a halt at the front door.

"That's weird... it's unlocked." and the door was also opened slightly. You could feel a slight draught from inside too.

"Hello??" You opened the door completely and ran inside. The lights were all off, and all the curtains were closed.

"Ma'am? Agent Kennedy here again." Leon walked in with his badge out, but other than you and him, there was not a single noise.

You entered the kitchen to see that all the cupboards were left open and bare. You even checked the fridge- which was room temperature, and the light didn't go on.

"The electricity's out?" You announced to Leon in confusion.

The entire kitchen had been cleaned out... and not in a tidy way. The faucet at the kitchen sink let out some slightly rusty water, but only a few drops.

"The water has been turned off too,"

"And the gas." Leon was fidgeting with the stove settings. The only thing in the kitchen that remained was the trash bin, and it was overflowing with torn papers, all addressed to your mother.

"She hasn't been paying the bills... for ages..." you stood up after scrambling through the letters. Even when you were still living with her last week, even way back before, she hadn't paid a single cent for three months. And you never knew.

You ran up the stairs, each step creaking heavily under your weight. The first door near you was your mother's bedroom. It was empty. Stripped bed, empty closet, vanity turned on it's side with empty drawers. The bathroom was dusty, with nothing in it but rubbish and some poop that had failed to flush and was sitting in the empty toilet bowl.

"That's disgusting." you closed the toilet lid, trapping the flies and other insects that were playing around in it.

You turned around to see that Leon had not followed you.

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