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"LEON!! STEP ON IT!" You screamed with your head hanging out the open window in the front passenger seat of a lovely stolen Porsche.

"LEON!! STEP ON IT!" You screamed with your head hanging out the open window in the front passenger seat of a lovely stolen Porsche

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"Yes, your highness." Leon grunted in a joking way, an obvious sign that he was trying to comfort the both of you in this mess.

Leon drifted out of the car park while the sound of the monster came closer, the echoes through the structure getting louder. He drove down the hill that the hotel was built on, approaching the rest of D.C.

That was when you saw it. The creature that was trailing you. You wished you hadn't. If only you had just ignored the tiny voice inside your head telling you to take a peak into the side mirror. Because now, you had finally begun to understand how Leon had felt all these years. This was something that no amount of therapy could possibly erase from your mind, as if the government would ever allow you to speak with anyone that was uninvolved about this entire hell parade once it would be over.

It was like the Earth had stopped spinning once you laid your eyes on it. The hum of the car engine lowered in pitch until your mind no longer registered it. The blades of wind pierced your cheeks slower, and the legs of the creature thumped against the road behind you in complete turtle's pace. Upon locking eyes with the lost soul, you instantly knew.

Despite it's large size being three times as big as a panther as well as it's spine and skull very clearly severely broken, you recognised this feline monster right away. And it angered you so, the fact that your own sister had used such a happy and short-lived part of your childhood against you in such a way.

"Peach??" Your own words echoed quietly as the world still moved as if it was stuck in molasses.

"Hey!" Leon grabbed your arm and pulled your head back into the car. "Are you okay?? Shit, I didn't want you to see that..." he eyed you through the rear view mirror. Things went back into normal speed with his words and touch, but nothing could repair your emotional damage. You tensed your neck and held your hands in your lap tightly fisted to the point your knuckles were white. You didn't utter a word to Leon, yet he understood perfectly why. It was like a sheer red paint had been sprayed over your eyes- or you were wearing red Halloween contacts, because that's literally all you could see. Red.

Quite frankly, you were done with cowering in the corner when someone had wronged you. Blood or not, you knew that Marie was no sister of yours. You had tried to understand her neurodivergence, you had tried so hard not to resent her for the things she had done; but in the end, it was impossible. There was no way that just simply being a diagnosed 'psychopath' was an explanation for what she was up to. Psychopaths could still have to capacity to be a civil part of society with the right help. But Marie was given the best help money could buy.

"I don't get it... how... why would she send my dead cat after me??" You ground your teeth.

"Dead cat?" Leon repeated. "I don't know, angel, but remember she's working with someone else. An ally we have yet to uncover the identity of."

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