Once More

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"What do you mean by that, exactly?" Leon leaned closer to you from his seat, fingers interlaced.

"I mean, what exactly do you do, and how?"

Leon sighed in a tired manner. He hadn't rested at all since meeting you.

"Well, my whole involvement in this begins a while ago. September 30th, 1998. The day I'll never forget. The cop inside me died that day, and that night, Raccoon City was wiped out, thanks to the bio-weapons created by Umbrella,"

"You were a cop?"

"Yes. It was my first day, and I happened to be running a little late. Whether I was late or not didn't matter anyway, because literally everyone was dead- or a zombie. After I and some friends handled the situation, I became a federal agent. I didn't really have a choice, I mean, the U.S. government couldn't just let some guy come out of that and not do anything about it. Was sent on some other missions, saved the President's daughter, blah blah. And now I'm here. Again, handling another bio-weapon case."

"Well... what do Marie and I have to do with this?" You sat up in the bed, and crossed your legs while facing Leon.

"You said last night that you haven't heard from Marie since she was disowned, correct? I'm sorry to tell you, but your sister has been up to much more than what the police are telling you. She isn't just hurting civilians like your average criminal. Marie is responsible for the latest bio-weapon outbreak."

You leaned back on your hospital bed, blank faced. This was just getting wilder. Zombies? Humans used as weapons? Your own sister dabbling in such horrid things? You wanted to say you weren't surprised, but this certainly seemed much too extreme, even for Marie's standards. And how would she even know how to do all of this? Even being a very intelligent girl, there was no way Marie could've learned how to create a virus from her schooling in the detention centres.

"Oh." was the only thing you could string together the words for- even though it wasn't a word.

"Hello, I hope I'm not intruding," The doctor who spoke to Leon earlier walked in with a clipboard and sat on the end of your bed slightly.

"I'm Rebecca Chambers, and I'm your doctor, nice to meet you," she nodded at you. "I have good news and bad news for you. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Eh, I don't really mind,"

"Alright, well the good news is that we can discharge you now, so whenever you're ready, let me know. The bad news is that whoever hurt you did damage to some muscle and tendons in your arm. You will find it difficult to move your arm for a while, but good news again- therapy is available for you to gain full control over your arm again. It will just take a little time," she said, looking at her clipboard.

"That's great," you eyed your wrapped up left arm. The painkillers you were given had almost completely shut off the stinging sensation in your arm.

"Yes, I suppose it is. Apart from your arm, though," Leon agreed.

 Apart from your arm, though," Leon agreed

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