Marie, Again.

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"What are you on about?" he looked at you, still waking himself up from his long slumber.

"THAT'S MARIE!" you burst.

"Shit, really??"

Without another word, you bolted down the stairs while maintaining a safe distance between yourself and Marie's party.

"Hey, stop!" Leon grabbed your shoulder and stared you down with a stoic expression. "Have you lost your head? Did you forget about the part where she's, like, insanely fucked up? That girl belongs in the tightest asylum the world has to offer, and you're just gonna run after her? She tried to kill you and your family, for fuck's sake!"

You exhaled and said nothing.

"We don't even know where we are, we haven't found Chris and the others, and we don't know want happened while we were asleep and long-."

"Three days." You cut him off. Leon's face softened, with surprise in the back of his eyes. "How kind of them, letting us wake up on my birthday." You let out a small smile with sarcastic charm. Leon was speechless. "They injected us with something, though." Your eyes met Leon's again, as your smile dropped.

"Fuck me!" Leon grumbled. "Of course they fucking did!" He ran a hand through his hand stressfully, eyes darting around the space in a panicked manner before hastily returning his gaze to you.

"It's your birthday?"

You nodded quietly. In this moment, you wanted to melt into tears and curl into a ball like a kid. You didn't know what exactly you were to expect of turning eighteen. Mental clarity? A sense of identity? New opportunities? The law considered you an adult now, but you couldn't even begin to prepare yourself for the transition from kid to adult within a day. Hell, you didn't even get to spend the previous day thinking about it.

Eighteen cycles around the earth. It was supposed to the be the beginning of your life, but you were sure as hell that you wouldn't survive, considering the scenario. But even before all of this... deep down you knew that there was no hope for you. You knew from the beginning that the universe didn't have many plans for you. As if you were created solely to be a side character, or even background character in someone else's story. You could see the movie trailer in your mind for Celine's Perfect Life. You only had a few lines. There was nothing remarkable about your character. On the other hand, Celine grew up with two loving parents who were both well off, she had two younger twin sisters who looked up to her, she had a hot and sensitive boyfriend who treated her well, and she was pretty and smart. She got the news of your mysterious death, the cause and situation covered up by the government. She cried elegantly, before shortly forgetting you and moving on with her fabulous life. She got into Harvard. Her parents could afford it, after all. She majored in architecture. She married her high school sweetheart, they moved into a beautiful suburban mini mansion in Utah. Three beautiful children, all with curly blonde hair and bright eyes. Celine, her husband and kids travelled the world together. They had nice things. They never had to worry about anything at all. At age 102, Celine went out peacefully in her sleep. Her funeral was attended by over a hundred people. Celine lived a life that eight-year-old her was proud of, and eighty-year-old her was grateful for and satisfied with.

You couldn't stop the tears rolling down your cheeks. You just wanted to switch your mind off for even just a little bit.

"Hey, hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, I..." Leon patter your shoulders in a panic.

"No, it's not that... just... never mind." You wiped the tears away on your sleeve. "What do we do?"

"Well, first of all, you clearly woke up before I did, so tell me exactly what happened."

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